24 July 2012

Semi-mindless Stitching

I never thought about it before I started blogging, but we're kind of all or nothing around here. Most recent proof? We watched both seasons of Game of Thrones in one week. Season One took two half days. Season Two? One long day off.

During which some of us, who don't care to watch fake blood squirt across the screen, started mindless projects. 

Well, semi-mindless. 

Start with an inspiration (seriously, I love it), some scrappy bits of left over thread (most of which was second hand), and a few hours of half-attentiveness: 

Some of the letters were more challenging than others. The K and W were challenging, and this is my third attempt at an A. I still wish the 'hat' on the A was one stitch shorter, but after picking out an entire letter, twice, I'm going to live with it. That said, I started into the S with no real idea how it'd turn out, and I love it - even if it isn't quite matched to the other letters. If 'was' was the difficult word to stitch (and it was), 'better' was by far the easiest. And not just because I was much more practiced by then! 

It's currently framed in very minimalist black and sitting on one of the book shelves, but I'd like to find a slightly more noticeable - and more colorful - frame for it eventually. I'm thinking something like this Olsbo frame from Ikea, though I wish it came in a color nearer the soft-teal of the first T. We'll see what I come across - as I've yet to make it to an Ikea, even though we now have one in our state. I feel like I'm missing out!

I'm already making plans for another - though we'll have to find another show. Any suggestions?

I'm back from my weekend to Nebraska - and still trying to recover from the fun. First birthday parties, (not-first) birthday dinners, socializing with family and friends, and attempting to get a few more people hooked on Pinterest, all mixed in with too little sleep and more laughs than I've had in a long time. It was a blast, but I'm having a hard time convincing myself that turning on the sewing machine (or cleaning the office) would be more fun than a nap.  

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