14 January 2013

Camping Patchwork - Nearly done!

While again, this is only a wash and dry from being on the 'done' list, I figured I'd still share the progress.

This one has been a battle from the beginning. Getting all the patchwork-y blocks to more or less line up together was harder than it should have been. Doing anything with minky fabric (which I think is the right name for the yellow stuff...) is difficult and messy. Coming up with any kind of a back for it was nearly impossible!

I didn't quite give up, but I did settle a little bit to get this one backed.

Even though many of the little blocks match the ones used in the front (they should, most of them are scraps left from cutting those blocks!), the entire back is a little less coordinated than I'm hoped for. Somehow my math was off by 11 inches. Thus the addition of the dark red panel. The back isn't bad, it just isn't quite as coordinated to the front as I had hoped for.

Actually, quilting this was easy. Maybe the easiest part of the whole process. I attempted to stitch on/near the seams in the patchwork, then ran a single line through the center of the yellow border. I was surprised quilting the minky part wasn't difficult at all. I thought it would be much harder - but maybe that's only when attaching other fabric to it?

I've never used multiple fabrics in a binding before, but I've liked the scrappy bindings I see other quilters do. I think mine might have been better with a third fabric mixed in... but it's not bad. I think the colors go better with the front rather than the back... but whether it's true or not, I'm telling myself that something like this will spend more time with the top against a floor than being seen...

I wish I'd been a bit more careful in making the back - measure twice cut one and all that - but overall, it's still continuing to grow on me.

Just a wash and this one will be joining the others in waiting for a home/use.


I didn't see any issues with the binding earlier, but apparently there were several spots where it wasn't stitched on properly. So, I will most likely be removing the binding. Since I wasn't completely thrilled with the binding, I may use this opportunity to replace it with something different. I'm not certain; I keep looking over at some brown dots and wondering if that would look a little better.

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