05 March 2013

Twin Quilts: Quilt A Pieced

After finishing the front - completely - coming up with the design for the back was fairly simple.

Since I had 12 half-strips of the pink/red/blue colors leftover, I made up two strips to add to the back - both to give a little interest and because it was almost exactly how much additional height the width-of-fabric needed to fit the front.

Unfortunately, this happened while the camera was charging. So cell phone pictures it is.

I already forgot I had to add a little bit of orange to each stripe to have enough width. It looks a little out of place at the moment - but my hope is to bind both quilts with that same orange, which should help tie those two spare blocks in a little better.

I promise this fabric is cuter than my cell phone camera makes it look. So is the back for that matter.

I'll try to get some better pictures of the back of Quilt B - or of the two backs while I'm basting. Because these really don't do it justice.

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