21 June 2013

Roses and Hay

Trying to keep up with all the work things this month is really wearing me down. Fortunately I have a few happy things waiting at home for me:

The rose bush above is more than a little confused. The same bush is growing a few of the roses we thought we were getting when we bought it (the light colored ones near the top, they start as a soft yellow then turn almost white), but also growing a lot of the dark pink ones you can see behind the leaves nearer the center of the picture - which, as far as we can tell, are some kind of climbing rose. It has a tendency to take over the yard for a few months, but none of us really have the heart to cut it out and replace it with a non-climber. 

And it's not all roses around here either - there's even some grass hay drying in the sun. 

Sure, I like the fields of grass waving in the wind before a cutting, but I also like the smell of cut grass - and the decrease in pests (from coyotes to moths) we see after a cutting.

Here's hoping the raccoons get the memo and stop showing up. Our baby garden isn't ready for their raids yet - and we'd love it if the coons forget to visit for the rest of the summer.

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