20 December 2013

Pinterest Challenge: Lace Candle Jars

Still haunted by mountains of lace I don't really know what to do with, but don't really want to toss or put in the giveaway pile, I spend about 15 minutes a week dedicated to searching Pinterest for ideas on turning the piles into anything more interesting or functional.

Along with November's lace trees, I found some cute looking lace candle jars that I knew I immediately wanted to use as inspiration.

Inspired by both Annaboo's House (home of the original inspiring image) as well as Another Nicole (who I found while attempting to search out the correct link for the pinned image), I broke out some of the chunks of lace, and a little glue. Lacking any tea lights or other loose candles, I picked an older glass votive holder and two oldish glass jar candles from Bath & Body Works.


The mid-sized container on the right most is very freshly glued, which is why you can see some of the glue. After a couple hours of drying, the glue is basically invisible, as you can see in the two others which had dried overnight. 

Since I started with decent jars to begin with, rather than recycled pickle jars - which I could certainly use, if I could figure out how to get the masses of old label glue off of them! - the improvement isn't quite as large as it might have been. I can't decide if I think these look romantic or spooky. Either way, I like it.

My only regret so far is that the lace on the largest candle is thick enough that the lid won't go back on properly. Fortunately, this is a winter scent I'm happy to use at the moment, so that's a minor issue. But next time I will be paying more attention and either use a thinner lace (like I did with the mid-sized one) or drop down far enough to let the lid seal cleanly.

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