12 February 2014

Multi-Starburst Progress

My love affair with the starburst block is still going strong - and nothing shows it more than the blocks I'm working on for the multi burst quilt I'm working on.
Scrappy - and so far, completely from my stash - and sassy and lovely.

The biggest problem is knowing when to stop making blocks and start turning them into a quilt top. I'm thinking three might be the perfect number for a top... but I want to make more! My initial goal was three bursts, in ascending size. Unfortunately, I forgot that when I was cutting and wound up with two of the same size. I've certainly got enough large scraps I can keep making these from my stash without much worry there - but at some point I've got to call it quits and get a field (or sky) for all the bursts to reside in. Obviously thus far I'm leaning towards a batik or something similar, but I could change my mind and go in a completely different direction.

I might have a very vague plan of how to finish this quilt so far, but I have a much more specific hope on where it's going to end up. I think I'll find out in about 10 weeks whether my hopes for this one are 'on' or missed the mark.

Not pregnant. Just assume I'm not until I say otherwise, no matter how 'hinty' things around here might sound. Yeah, I'm getting some pressure from people, and yeah, LOTS of friends are, but not me. Other people are, including people who let me in so early on that the gender isn't yet known. And while I love this quilt, and I think boys can have purple/pink/floral things, that's not everyone's style - so if the latest reveal is 'boy' instead of 'girl' this one will be hopping off the fast track while I switch gears for them a little. Unless the folks-to-be specifically tell me they too are okay with pink/purple/floral/boy combo... 

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