I ought to make the fat quarter bin at the nearby JoAnn's off limit. I have no real need for fat quarters right now. The problem is, the best fabric in the store is usually found only there. I'm not sure why the fat quarter area has cuts of fabric that's never been anywhere else in my local store - especially when, so many times, I would much prefer to have bought a half-yard or more of whatever it is I've fallen in love with.
Especially since this way I'm forced to get it in five packs - and chances are I'm only interested in one of the five.
I'll give you one guess as to which one I wanted a yard of.
I'm a big fan of orange, and grey, and I've been on a recent kick for hedgehogs and foxes -- while my husband always likes owls. So it has several positives running --beyond the fact that it's just lovely. Especially for an animal print. While it will probably get set aside for use in a welcome baby package (or, sat on for a few years until I know whether I'll need it for a nursery or not... never know), this one in particular doesn't scream nursery print quite as loudly as some of the others in the pack...
I have no need for a nursery set for my own house, but I am very tempted to hang on to this just in case I do. At least the one print I really love... Well, I'll probably set it aside for a while until I need it for someone. I am working on getting a little head start since so many friends are either expecting or trying to be - so while I think I'm ahead enough right now, this is a good set to have in reserve for when someone surprises me!
On a personal note, I just accidently spent nine hours rearranging my house. It's not done yet, and not great-but it is going to be better. If I ever finish!
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