It's not much to speak of but I did manage to spend a few minutes working on a quilt recently. Between Momo's sudden need to be on top of every possible work surface - apparently cuddling him for hours a day isn't giving him enough attention - and my own disinclination to take time to do anything right now, it's been a struggle to keep up with my to do list!
I did manage to piece together a scrappy backing patch for the disappearing nine patch Sweet Serenade quilt (that needs to be done by the end of June). The yardage that I had hoped to use as backing wasn't quite enough to do the job alone - but I had a few left over blocks and some spare yardage that turned out just right for expanding the back.
I had four disappearing nine patch blocks left, which I strung together with some of the blue dash on cream yardage and a slightly wonky nine patch star which I had managed to piece together from the charms that didn't turn into the disappearing blocks.
I think wonky stars are my very favorite block to make. I love the process and I love the outcome -- which is good, since stars seem to be sneaking into most of my projects recently!
Since I had the sewing table cleared off, I did go ahead and get the quilt basted. I started by doing a quick baste of the back to the batting before flipping it over and doing a more serious baste of the top to the batting and backing.
The whole basting process took only about 30 minutes -- including convincing the cat to go somewhere else multiple times!
Unfortunately, attempting to ride the backing and basting success into machine quilting has not worked out. I have put in -- and ripped out -- three lines of quilting. I've adjusted my tension settings twice, without success. I know ripping out is an important part of having a good end product - and there's no way the lines I put in were going to work - but I can only stitch and rip so many times before I have to go do something to relieve the frustration!
I am feeling the pressure of wanting to get this one finished soon - and working on the couple smaller projects that I hope to have finished in time to go with it - but I am debating trying to whip up a smaller test piece (using the same fabric and same batting) so I can run practice stitches through that and not have to constantly rip. That's a trick I haven't had to use in a while, but at this point I'd do anything not to rip out another line from this quilt.
I am coming up on two years since the machine was last professionally serviced, so it may just be time to have that done again. Fortunately, I think I'm working far enough ahead of schedule that a few weeks of lost time won't be a make-or-break deal, but I would feel better if I could figure this issue out on my own and finish this quilt (quilting and binding) before taking the machine to the doctor. Sitting here isn't helping it get done though, so I guess I'd better swing my chair over to the other desk and see what I can do!
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