I'd hoped that this afternoon would be filled with me updating you all on my new sewing room furniture - but instead I spent most of the day at the vets' offices. Yes, plural.
Momo hasn't been feeling well the last few days. Because I'm usually an alarmist, I tried to give him a couple days to recover, to get over it on his own. But after two nights of him eating nothing between 5 pm and 5 am (usually he has two or three small meals in this time period) I was nervous. Since I had to call the vet anyway, I mentioned it - and the next thing I know I was off to the vets.
Six hours, two x rays, an ultrasound check up, three physical assessments, a blood test, an iv of fluids, a shot of antibiotics, and two vet clinics later - basically I'm out nearly $1000 and have nothing to show for it other than a wet, shaved, cranky cat and the surprise rewards left in my car, all over my living room floor, and inside the litter box.
And unless he's acting closer to normal by tomorrow, I'll get to try it all over again.
For a cat who can't prove there's anything wrong with him, he's costing a lot of time and money. And... let's just say I'm really glad we already swapped out the carpet for 'wood' or I'd be even more cross.
Oh, and to bring a lovely end to my day, I learned that mice have been living in the closet with my overflow quilting and sewing supplies.
Today was not my day. And I'd feel a lot more hopeful if tomorrow was looking any better.
If you're the kind of person who believes in prayer, positive thoughts, etc., please send a little 'better' towards me -- and Momo. We are going to need it.
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