Read 5+ Books
- "Blood Red" Mercedes Lackey
- "The Wind Blows Backward" Mary Downing Hahn
Read 1+ Non-Fiction (can count as one of the 5+ total)
- "Parenting Beyond Pink & Blue: How to Raise Your Kids Free of Gender Stereotypes" Christia Spears Brown, PHD
Average 13000+ steps per day (working towards 15000 per day by August) - This was hard to manage during our 'vacation' times - but I managed it all but two days this month.
New Projects / Pinterest Challenge:
1+ new recipe
My Projects:
Mail the Unbirthday package
Deliver Welcome Baby D package
Birthday present for the Nephew (by the 15th)
Grown Up Junk:
House Stuff:
Dining space update: shop for chairs or stools - In progress, but this is much harder than it ought to be!
All in all, I didn't accomplish nearly as much this month as I'd hoped for - but I have worked nearly every day. I think I had two weekends off, and otherwise was working (or out of town) almost every single day. It does make it hard for me to get any thing else done when I don't get home until 9 -- and I've been trying to get to bed at 10:30 instead of my preferred 2, all so I can get up and put in a few miles before it gets too hot in the morning. It's taking up a lot of my day, but I'm happy with the activity and the results, so I'm trying not to begrudge the lost time -- but my quilting and reading time is really taking a hit. I've got to get better time management going on around here -- something I think I've said more than once or twice!
Hopefully I'll have some time over the weekend to upload a few pictures and get a few things written up so I can get back into the swing of sharing what I'm up to. I make no promises though -- this is another weekend of long hard projects and very little personal time. And I fear that the whole month of August may turn out that way, but I'll see what I can do without losing any more sleep.
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