29 September 2014

Christmas Star - Top Done

Sometimes I stop projects at the strangest places, convinced that I'm up against a massive step I don't want to face -- only to eventually realize that this step was nothing scary at all! That was completely the case for my Christmas Star quilt top. I had worked up adding a border in my mind until it seemed like it would be terribly challenging. When I finally set out to force myself to do it because I'm flat out running out of time if this doesn't work, it turns out that was incredibly easy. Hardly took any time -- and not an issue in sight.

Well -- not with attaching the border anyway...

Obviously the issue I see isn't that big a deal, since I didn't realize it until I was editing these photos today. And obviously, I am not going to fix it -- I do not want to spend that much time with a seam ripper for something so relatively unnoticeable. Do you see it?

I swapped the two sections in the bottom left! It should always be 3 points before the same color again, but there are only two points between the reds (or four, if you're going the long way). It does unbalance the quilt a little bit to have a red heavy side, especially since the red is so much stronger than the mixed piece it was swapped with -- but I am not going to fix it now. If I'd noticed before the border went on, I might have been able to talk myself into it, but at this point, I think it's that way to stay.

Mistakes small and large aside, I love the way this top has turned out. It's lovely - and I think it's going to be perfect. I had hoped to back this with something fun, a minky or other texture, but nothing seemed right when I was walking the store -- so I came home with another Christmas-y print that I think will work out for the backing. I do also have several more charm size pieces which I might use in the backing as well. If not, I'm toying with a table runner to coordinate with it... We'll see.

Now the challenge will be clearing enough room somewhere so I can baste it! I haven't basted something this large in a long time and I'm not sure I have this much floor space left in the house anymore. I may have to borrow someone else's floor!

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