10 July 2016

July Check-In

Wow. It's July again.

In a few days, I'll have a one year old.


I'm so not ready. And yet, every day is more fun than the last. So maybe I am.

Meanwhile, sometime soon -- when I never know -- I'll be going to the post office. Hopefully Monday or Tuesday, as these are quite overdue in the mail!

Blocks headed out, birthday presents headed out, and hand-me-on clothes headed out. And three more packages to wrap up and for sending or delivering.

And yes, I got to quilt a little today too. But I can't show you any progress.

Because the noticeable parts are all currently under a fluffy bottom that has no interest in moving from his lovely new spot.

Binding is ready to go on, but I guess that will wait until next weekend! There's no rush on this one, unless I want to ship it overseas... But I keep being told there will be a stateside visit at some point, so that's my target date for finishing. It's just my closest to a finish, and I had high hopes for getting one crossed off the ever growing list of unfinished / works in progress!

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