20 September 2012

Completed Top

It's so good to see this top completed. And I am still absolutely loving it. 

I've lost track of the number of hours that have gone in to making this top. Let's just go with: a lot. Between forgetting to take the shortcut that could have saved a couple hours to somehow ending up with 2x2 and 2x8 blocks I could not rotate to the right orientation to attach to the rest of the quilt (which means a lot of time with a seam ripper and some re-piecing), this ate a lot of time. I thought making the tiny stars would be the time consuming part. Nope.

I'm not thrilled at the amount of light coming through some of those black blocks. I'm going to hope that's happening because it was nearer noon than any time with kind day light for photography.

It's hard to see each star - and hard for me to find a distance where I'm including the whole quilt (which is about 88x88) - but every row/column has at least one and at most three. I think I wound up with 16 stars in total, but it might just be 17... I ought to have written that down somewhere...

Obviously my seams on the batik frames don't all square up (it would hardly be something I made if they did) but I was happily surprised by how many do (or are very close). It's hard to chose a favorite part of this so far, but if pressed, I would have to say I love the way the fabric looks at those meetings. I especially love the joint shown above, with the wonkiest-star (just right of center) is the upper left of the four.

It feels great to see all I've accomplished so far - but enough drooling over the top for me. I've got a whole back to figure out - and no idea what I'm going to do.

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