While I ought to be spending my time piecing together frames around black blocks, I've allowed myself to get distracted by the appeal of a few wonky star center blocks.
Would you believe these are only my second, third and fourth wonky stars?
Okay, I'm not thrilled with the yellow-ish one (my second) but I'm short enough on fabric I'm just going to have to learn to like it. That said, I can't decide which of the other two I love more. For comparison, the center blocks of the stars are: 2", 1.25", and 1 inch. I certainly can't go any larger and still fit within the finished size of 5" square, and I'm not sure my fingers or my machine are agile enough to go any smaller.
I'm not sure how many I ought to make. Three stars out of 110 black blocks seems a bit scant, but I don't think I have enough fabric to make a star for each row.
Hmm... I wonder if the couple has a special number. I don't think we do (I should ask my husband before I say that too factually!) but some people/couples do and that might be an easy way to determine how many stars I make. Unless of course the number is greater than the amount of fabric I have to make stars with...
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