23 October 2012

My Other Secret Quilt

I've got a couple of projects I've been keeping to myself because they're somewhat tragic-looking. You know, the kind of thing I've been trying to convince myself to give up on. I'm not much of a quitter though, so as much as I am embarrassed to be sharing these, I'm going to do it with the hope that sharing them will help me find a solution other than giving up. 



There's another quilt that's been hanging out at my work space. As unnamed and unloved as the camping patchwork I showed yesterday. From shortly after putting fabric to needle, I disliked these both that neither even rated a number (as thus far I've started assigning numbers from the beginning of the top, not at the finish).

This one was started just to scrapbust a little. And to give me something to grab and go next time I'm invited to a baby shower with little/no warning.

It's okay. But... I'm a bit of a perfectionist (though you might not know by how many times I find myself typing things like 'it's not right but oh well' and similar statements) and I'm not sure 'okay' is good enough.

There's nothing wrong with simple, but I'm not sure simple is what I see in this. I'm afraid that what I see is more like boring or uninspired. I'm at a point where I could change it up a bit, but is change for the sake of change a good idea?

With a welcome back shout out to the only way I know how to manipulate these images my favorite program (Paint), here are some options I could easily do:

  1. Cut it in four equal parts, rotate two (or more) of the four blocks, reattach
  2. More or less a disappearing 4 patch application 
  3. Cut it in four equal parts, add a pink (assuming I have enough) frame, reattach
  4. Cut into four equal parts, add a pink frame, reattach, cut into four equal parts, rotate two (or more) of the four blocks, reattach
  5. Cut into four equal parts, add a pink frame, reattach, then do the more/less disappearing 4 patch process 
  6. No change, but do something interesting with the quilting. 

Options 1 and 4 would (hopefully) look more square - but I didn't feel like paint-sketching the whole border to square it up. Option 3 is alright, but again, it feels very simple. What I really like are options 2 and 5 - but I'm not sure either is really better or more inspired looking. Just... different.

So, again, I'm looking for input. Stay simple (and/or add interest with finishing touches like quilting and binding) or chop it up and make some changes?

On a tangent, it's interesting how the brain works. I worked on this while listening to a new-to-me audio book, and just looking at this quilt has brought back details of the story that I haven't thought of since listening to it. Just in case anyone wondered if I was a visual learner... 

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