September Goals
- Read 5+ books
- Work on Pansy Patch Sigh. Nope. I'm beginning to think I'll never work on it. I'm still scared to work on it, and since starting it I've found out it's not quite the intended recipient's taste. Now I'm not sure it's worth the effort...
Work on Wedding Present/Quilt/ThingAs you probably noticed, this got a lot of time and effort at the beginning of the month. I'd hoped to completely finish piecing the top and back this month, but work got crazy and 10+ hour days just don't leave much time or energy for much else.- Clean counter tops: kitchen (daily), bath (weekly) Ha! The kitchen counter got a weekly cleaning. The bathroom? Once. Yes. It's bad. Assuming I don't get called to work today, I'm going to make up for the lack of cleaning right now.
Hang out with my friend and my godsonSuccess! Not only did I get to see my friend Laura and her son twice (though the second time hardly counted since I couldn't keep my eyes open), and my usual crew of guys every weekend, but we also got to hang out with two friends we haven't seen in months (something like a year if the age progression of their niece is anything to go by). I wasn't expecting that one, but it was a blast. Being so social (for a change) is probably also part of why I accomplished so little else. But it is worth it.
It looks like I did next to nothing this month - but I feel like I've been busier than ever!
Forcing my way through "Clash of Kings" took a lot of time and energy, as did working on the wedding present quilt. And just when I thought I would have a week to finish things up and get my house under control again, work absolutely exploded and I put in several 10+ hour days in one week. Between the physical work and the emotional toll, it was all I could do to come home, pet the cat, and fall into bed. Work wise, October looks to be more of the same. I'm trying to cram some creative time (and some reading time) into this last day of September, but while that sounds fun, what I really need is sleep. And if I'm going to survive, I'm going to have to put my needs ahead of fun for a while.
Also, I've got to figure out a way to get things to publish without me being here to hit the button; being away from home 12 hours a day puts logging in to blogger at the bottom of a rather long list of 'to dos' that tend to be put off for tomorrow. And then the next day.
Also, I've got to figure out a way to get things to publish without me being here to hit the button; being away from home 12 hours a day puts logging in to blogger at the bottom of a rather long list of 'to dos' that tend to be put off for tomorrow. And then the next day.
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