28 April 2014

Bluebird Quilting

I might be faster at finishing quilts when I can sit down and concentrate on one from start to finish, but recently I've been a lot less focused one finishing and a lot more interested in bouncing from project to project. So, while I'm processing what to do with the S'mores quilting or binding, I'm using this time both to pre-wash binding fabrics for other projects and to turn my attention back to my Bluebird Star quilt.

Since my backing material was only a couple inches larger than my quilt top I chose to go with fusible batting and a steam activated basting. I'm not a huge fan of steam basting, but I didn't want to worry about any movement or puckers with this one - since it could result in my top falling off my back. I'm not won over, I think I still slightly prefer pin basting overall, but there are times when fusible seems to work slightly better. The steam basting should last for a while, especially if it's just sitting to the side instead of being worked on, but I had the time, so I jumped right in to working with it immediately. 

Once I started, I didn't want to stop - both because I was feeling inspired and because the steam basting isn't strong enough to hold up to much quilt wrestling and the corners were less basted than I had hoped for. 

I don't think you can see the quilting at all - but I promise it's done. On the inner most area, within the green border, I went with diagonal lines across the star. I went for some less than obvious (almost) stitch in the ditch type quilting on the edges of the squares - the seams between the border blocks, around both (inner and outer) edges of all of the borders, and around the inner four blocks. 

I upped the 'shadow' on the photo significantly, but it's still hard to see the quilting. 
It's easier to see on the back side of the quilt - also, check out the adorable hedgehogs! I just love this fabric! 

I had intended to go through the green border with a specialty stitch, but at this point, I think that might be a little too much for the quilt - and for my machine. I don't know where to lay the blame (probably user error) but I was having major tension issues and tangles all the way through the straight line quilting - so trying something more complicated seemed like a dangerous idea. I have used flannel as a backing before without this problem, so I don't think that was the reason for my issues. I did swap to a brand new needle part way through and things were better after that, but maybe it's time for the Janome to take another trip to the shop... 

The binding will be the same fabric I used for the little green border. For not being intentionally from the same fabric line it goes well with all the various shades of green in the charms - and I think it'll tie everything together. 

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