02 April 2014

March Wrap- Up

March Goals 

Read 5+ Books
  • "Exile's Honor" Mercedes Lackey (reread from 2012)
  • "Jesus Feminist" Sarah Bessey (non fiction)
  • "Hollow City" Ransom Riggs
  • "Roomies" Sara Zarr & Tara Altebrando
  • "FreakBoy" Kristin Elizabeth Clark
  • "Sweet Venom" Tera Lynn Childs
  • "Ironskin" Tina Connolly
Read 1+ Non-Fiction (can count as one of the 5+ total)
Cut time on Pinterest to less than 2 hours/day. No more 5 hour Pinterest sessions.
Do the dishes every night before bed
Deep clean the fridge and freezer

New Projects / Pinterest Challenge:
1+ new recipe
1+ small project/tutorial (mini quilt, bag, or something crafty that doesn't require the sewing machine)

My Projects:
Finish the 2013 cross stitch portrait - maybe 1/3 done? 
Finish at least one quilt (including washing) - I was almost ready to wash - then we had to turn the water off for two days! 
Quilt at least two quilts (baby size) - I managed one. 

Grown Up Junk:
Email Realtor
Contact insurance company
Send info to Banker #3
Call Builder #1
Send info to Banker #1
Email Builders 2-5
Health Insurance: set up meeting, attend meeting, choose a plan,
Finish tax paperwork
Send into to Banker #3 again
Yeah, this is why I've been having a hard time accomplishing anything. This stuff is all torture as far as I'm concerned. Sadly, very little of it can be handled by my more outgoing, less shy better half. But I am asking him to handle the parts of it that he can do for me. 
Even though I did all this, I got nothing for my troubles. So, while we're not giving up on someday soon-ish, somehow getting a bigger place, I'm also finished with living with the 'we're moving any day now' mindset. The boxes I've been keeping so we could move the small appliances more easily? Already gone. The extra furniture we were squeezing in just in case? More than half-way gone. The toilet that has been giving us fits for over a year? Replaced. Next on the list? The disgusting, forest green (where it's never seen any wear) 20+ year old carpet is scheduled for the chopping block. Yeah, this means some of the savings that we'd like to be squirreling away for possible home buying adventures is going into a money pit - but after four years of living with things that make me sad, angry, or somewhat-ill, I'm putting my foot down; This doesn't have to become my dream place - or anything like it - but it's time to lose the 'maybe someday' junk that's eating up valuable space, time to lose the things that are hazards, and time to do a few little things to make this a happier place to be instead of just the place where we spend our nights. I don't know what the future holds for us and houses - but I'm tired of living a 'maybe next month' kind of life. I've done that for four years and have nothing to show for it, I'm going to start living for today and if I still end up with nothing, at least I'll have been happier on my way there! 

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