04 May 2015

April Wrap Up

April Goals

Read 5+ Books
  • "Dreamer's Pool" Juliet Marillier
  • "The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy" Julia Quinn
  • "Changeless" Gail Carriger
  • "Blameless" Gail Carriger
  • "Of Metal and Wishes" Sarah Fine

Average 13000+ steps per day -- Little lower than that, but I have been managing to creep my daily total up from 10000 most days. I suspect hitting 13000 daily is probably not realistic right now, but I'm trying not to be satisfied with 10000 while balancing the other needs of my body. 
April family event
Order 2 family photo books
Prep for May family trip

New Projects / Pinterest Challenge: 
Anything new I start this month will be focused on baby stuff, either for myself or the various Welcome Baby gifts I need to be finishing up -- thankfully I'm somewhat ahead from my extra work last year! I wont' say 'no' to new recipes or anything, and I'm sure lots of my ideas will come from Pinterest, but for now, it's time to focus on other things.

My Projects:
Finish 1 quilt top: Random Reflections 2 of 2
Baste quilt group wonky star top
Wash my wonky star quilt
Welcome Baby Projects (for mine and others):
  • Complete bibs -- figure out what is wrong with snap installer 
  • Make 2-4 hooded towels
  • There's a whole list of this going on elsewhere, more on this later
Finish up several quilts in progress (if possible)

Grown Up Junk:
Schedule next cat/vet appointment

House Stuff: 
Continue sweeping every other day, cleaning bathrooms once a week
House prep for baby:
  • remove broken orange chairs (1 or 2)
  • Find/purchase dresser for changing area and baby clothes storage
  • Find/Build/Purchase storage for laundry room
  • Empty deck box if possible
  • Put holiday stuff in there / empty guest room shower
  • move household chemicals into one cabinet -- put a lock/latch on it

I both feel like I accomplished a great deal this month, and didn't accomplish nearly enough. The house is a lot more baby ready -- though an outsider would probably still see all the hazards and dangers we haven't yet dealt with and we have yet to make any progress on the baby's room other than getting some of the sewing room cleared out of there. That's one of the May goals, since the grandparents-to-be will all be here at the end of May and it would be nice if they could see something other than stacks of quilts and books. Honestly, the end of the month absolutely surprised me -- I could have sworn we had another week to go. But no, it's over and time to move on to the next month. I'm not sure where the time went, but I'm determined to make better use of May than I did April -- as long as my energy levels stay this much higher than they were at the beginning of April! 

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