17 May 2015

From the Long in Progress Stack

My scrappy, wonky X+ blocks have taken a bit of a back seat since I last trimmed them in March. I knew I had to trim them again -- having one block that was slightly too small and wonky to match my initial sizing. Even thought we had company last night, with my sewing room in the living room, I felt free to work anyway -- and trimming blocks seemed innocent enough to start with.

Except that trimming led to layout decisions, which led to sewing, and before I knew it, I had a completed top!
It still needs a good going over with an iron again to help smooth out the final seams and square it up a bit, but a top is completed at last!

I'm sure I could have spent a little more time agonizing over the layout and trying to ensure the colors were more perfectly distributed. But, sometimes you just have to piece while the flesh and spirit are both willing, so I'm not going to sit here and nit pick over the few things I could have done differently.

The better news, for my life, is that I'm coming around to this one being gender neutral. Yes, it does have a lot of pinks and purples, but no more of either than it does browns or blues or greens. With a little more time to think since my last time looking at the blocks, I think it's more colorful than anything else, regardless of the specific colors or patterns.

I guess the truth is that I really like it, and I want to keep it... so I think I will add it to the stack. Let's face it, at the rate I'm sewing, this baby is going to have more quilts than anyone could possibly use -- and not much else!

What next? I'm toying with adding a border, but I think I'll probably go straight for basting, quilting, and finishing it up. I'm thinking maybe stripes for the binding... though that will mean a visit to the store... Decisions, decisions!

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