09 April 2017

CQG Spider Web Quilt -- Day 1 & 2

Our Dresden Plate quilt is being quilted right now -- which honestly puts it months above where I expected! -- and we've started in on our next challenge. 

I've been wanting to make another spider web quilt for years, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Our strips are already cut into various widths and lengths, and we're using up some of the leftover white background fabric from the Dresden Plate quilt, so it is an effortless beginning. 

I'm going to try chain piecing 3 or 4 strips at a time on Day 2 and see if that speeds up the process. Since both our meetings for April are at the beginning of the month, I'd like to make some serious progress on Day 2 or this one will threaten to drag on for months.

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Day 2

As always, the second day on a pattern went much more smoothly, even with several people who were on their first day. We went from 5 or 6 triangles to 24 completed triangles, and several more went home with people to be worked on over time.

In fact, it went so well that we're forced to face a new issue -- we might not have enough strips cut! We'll have to check through the official stash for the rest of this pull, but at least two of us are checking on our personal stashes to see if we can come up with more coordinating fabric!

I've pieced some of the triangles together into squares (11.5 inch square, trimmed), but not all of them. I've been trying to keep up so far, but now that we're considering adding other coordinating fabrics, I want to hold off so they can be well mixed in when the top is pieced.

This feels like a good start -- but we've certainly got a long ways to go!

Here's hoping we can make at least 20 more at next meeting!

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