23 February 2017

CQG Dresden Days -- Day 2

Since I was doing parenting duty as well as quilting duty at the last meeting, I don't have an updated picture from the end of the meeting. But I took a photo of the beginning of the meeting -- 6 Dresden Plate blocks resting on one of the fabrics we'll be using for the sash and possibly for the borders.

I think this denim-like fabric is going to be a great contrast for the plates. It also helps tone down the orange/rust colors a little.

Although I had to leave at the halfway point, if the rest of the group was able to complete their blocks, at our next meeting we'll only have 2 additional blocks to finish!

So, hopefully we'll be able to split our attention into finishing the blocks, starting on the sash, and maybe making the backing.

March is a challenging month for meeting -- working around spring break and baby showers -- but hopefully we can be quilting on this by April!

09 February 2017

Tall Tales

Despite the 16 other quilty projects I should be working on, and the kitchen re-do I should be working on, and of course, a dozen other things I could be doing, I am starting a new project.

Big surprise, right?

I have my reasons. Namely, basting is a long, time consuming process that can't always be easily interrupted. Paper piecing bocks can be put away at any time with very little issue.

But also, have you seem the Tall Tales blocks floating around Pinterest and Instagram? They are adorable. (To go directly to the page with the pattern, click here and look for a link towards the end of Kate Basti's bio.)

So, I broke out the secret stash of Wee Wander fabrics I bought about 2 years ago --bought with nursery decoration thoughts, but turned out not to be right for my project. I've been sitting on these fabrics, waiting for something prefect.

Well, I don't know if these are perfect, but I'm liking it so far.

Although the pattern is a paper pieced project, I am faking it. With only one pattern printed off (not for lack of trying), I'm using it as a guide, but not sewing right through the paper as I should be for best accuracy. So, there is some unintended wonk to my blocks. It doesn't bother me, but I want it to be clear that any wonk is all on me and my non-standard technique -- not due to the pattern or the proper paper piecing technique.

Each block comes together fairly quickly, maybe 15-20 minutes including time to fussy cut the cover. Depending on the day, that can sometimes be accomplished while the toddler is deeply involved in some independent play.

And right now, that is my kind of sewing!

05 February 2017

Throw Back

Google Assistant just popped up to remind me of what I was doing three years ago today. 
That seems like a life - time ago --- and I suppose as a mother of a 1.5 year old, it kind of is!

Although just about everything else in the picture has left my house, the chair and my very favorite star burst block are still here and still together.

I'm not sure how long that will be the case though.

This chair has gone from being my sewing and computer chair to sitting at the kitchen table.

It's by far the prettiest one there. One of the others badly needs recovered, while the other is all wood (and holds a constantly sticky high chair). I don't mind that the three don't match.

But knowing that one needs recovered, it is tempting to make the two covers match a little more. Then again, the above chair isn't the sturdiest, so it might end up being replaced -- in which case I'm keeping the cover (though what I'll do with it is a mystery).

Seeing how much cleaning the kiddo's chair needs daily, I'm tempted to at least replace both other seat covers with something easier to clean than cloth.

I don't know if it's a new year thing, a spring cleaning thing, a parent to a toddler thing, or something else entirely, but it's time to simplify again.

The kitchen is getting a major redo, the organization is shifting into high gear, and I'm about to start another heavy duty purge of the house to get rid of things I'm just hanging on to for no real reason.

With the kitchen in disarray right now, it's easy to begin a list of things I expect will be leaving soon. The master closet / storage area is going to be tackled in the next month or two. And I suspect we're going to completely rearrange the living room / office -- which will be another great change to go through everything.

I'm also picking away on a new little project. Because it's more fun to sew than baste. And more fun to sew than organize (sometimes). It's not quite going as I'd hoped, so not pictures of the real deal yet, but it is nice to have a little project I can interrupt a dozen or more times a block without getting completely off track.

03 February 2017

CQG Dresden Days: Day 1

This month, and honestly, for the next couple months since we're lucky to meet 5 hours a month, my local quilting group is working on a Dresden Plate quilt. 

After picking fabric and cutting over 300 blades, last night was our first chance to sit down and work on piecing. Following a very simplified tutorial based on the amazing and picture heavy tutorial by Amy Gibson at StitcheryDickeryDock, the four of us who braved the ice were able to make five Dresden Plates in about two hours. Four of the five are completely appliqued to our background fabrics, and the fifth is partly done. 

Considering we previously had little to no experience with Dresden Plates or applique, I think that's great progress. 

Only about ten more blocks to go. The goal is to sash our 15 blocks into a twin size quilt. That part should be fairly easy. Quilting it all -- including some kind of pattern on the petals of each plate -- on domestic machines will be the challenging part... but we'll face that bridge when we get there! 

01 February 2017


Our Bedroom Quilts (2) -- No recent work

Recent Progress: Top 1 is finished, Top 2 is finished
Yet to do: Make 1 back, baste, quilt, bind,

Half-Square Triangle Quilts (Muted/Brown)

Recent Progress: Test layout made, now to actually sew together

Selfish Sewing: Raspberry Kisses Blocks -- No recent work

Recent Progress: began cutting
Yet to Do: um... let's talk about that later...

Quilted Sleeping Bag

Recent Progress:
Yet to Do: baste

CQG Joy of Quilting Starburst 2016 Quilt -- Done! 

Yet to Do: donate

(Inherited) Scrappy Crow Quilt

Recent Progress: top finished, scrappy back made, binding made
Yet to Do: baste, quilt, bind,

(Inherited) Dresden Plate Quilt

Recent Progress: additional 2 blocks made
Yet to Do: sew together top

CGQ Dresden Plate Quilt (January 2017 - 

Recent Progress: background fabric cut, test block made, cut approximately 400 blades
Yet to Do: Block building meeting is tomorrow!

The Prayer Quilt (Jan 2017 - ) 
(no images yet)
Recent Progress: mail out blocks & instructions
Yet to do: wait

Ombre Jelly Roll Quilt (Nov 2016 - )
(no images yet)
Recent Progress: I'm over halfway making blocks -- to then cut down and make into different blocks.

Scrap Blast (Dec 31 2016 - ) 

I'm not going to track this one. It's just for fun. (But this much of the top is totally sewn together. It is too small as is though, so something else needs to happen later.)

Waiting to Start:
  • Possibly: Modern Neutral Baby Quilt
  • Possibly: Arrows/Chevron/Fish Baby Quilt for Baby (identifying letter coming later)
  • Possibly: plus quilt 
  • Possibly: scrappy/improvisation quilt 
  • Possibly: confetti quilt