25 March 2014

Bluebird Park Star - Beginning

I know several of my friends are in the 'we're thinking of trying for a baby' phase right now, so I'm trying to get a few quilts ahead. Even if I used my entire stash right now, I'd still fall short, and there are a few quilts I have stashed away that aren't going to work for any of the friends who have mentioned their thoughts and hopes to me. Trying to get ahead is part of why I allowed myself to give in and purchase some more charm packs recently - and I'm so glad I did, because it game me an excuse to work on this quilt. I'm attempting to follow the recipe for Storybook Star Quilt found at the Moda Bake Shop.

I couldn't get coordinating yardage in the prints or colors I wanted to use for this, so I am using a combination of fancy charm pack fabric and a little JoAnn's fabric. I think that's one of those rules serious quilters never break. Oh well. Sure, I would rather have had coordinating yardage, but I think it's going to turn out nicely my way too.
Since there was some repetition in the charm pack (at least two of every weave/solid and at least two of every floral on weave), I didn't want to choose four of my favorite prints for the center blocks and end up with repetition in the outer border. I did choose one of my favorites (the hedgehogs on aqua), then I went for color and print balance.

Not yet fully sewn together
I struggled a little with actually making the hourglass blocks, but I think in the end they looked alright. I do want to try this quilt again - or something similar - to see if I can get a little better at making those. That and it's so cute -- and so far, easy.

Okay, adding borders is another thing that doesn't always come easily to me - even when I pin. This time I ironed everything first, left some excess on the top and bottom, pinned everything, and went slowly. It was a bit of an annoyance, but I think the end result was worth it.

The rest of the charm squares need sewn together into strips, then added as the final border - but so far I'm very pleased with it. Even with all the ironing and pinning, I think deciding which blocks to feature or leave out has been the most challenging part. I'm hopeful to have time yet this week to finish up the borders and get the top completed. This has gone fairly quickly, especially considering I'm pausing to read instructions and doing the measure twice cut once rule, so I'm very pleased. I can't wait to see it all come together!

20 March 2014


Would you believe me if I told you that this started as a package of ramen noodle soup? Maybe - the noodles did maintain a little of the classic shape I suppose.

Inspired by Budget Bytes chicken yakisoba, I took a couple packages of noodles from our emergency preparedness pantry to see what I could do. A couple of chicken tenders, a bag of frozen vegetable mix, and a little patience raiding the spices and sauces (including lime, peanut butter, worchestershire, soy, and some spicy Asian style seasoning I had forgotten we owned) - and woah, surprisingly good and surprisingly easy.

I can't believe how many times I ate just noodle soup in my college days - when the thought to add stuff to it to make it better never even occurred to me! Seems obvious now and good grief was I missing out all these years. I'm going to have to start buying some for eating as well as for stockpiling in case we're ever low on water or electricity...

In fact - this is what I'm doing for supper again tonight. Can't wait!

17 March 2014

Pansy Patch Update - At Last!

I really haven't worked on Pansy Patch since 2012. I picked this project when I was very, very new to sewing/quilting and it has kicked my rear end all the way. My first few attempts weren't exactly awful - but they weren't good, and the very first one took me something like 5 hours just to make the face of the first flower. Then came the months (possibly years) in which I set the project down somewhere and then lost it.

Well, I found it again last night while trying to use the scanner - so I made myself work on it instead of shoving it in a corner again.

It's still rough - but I refused to put it down, or go to bed, until I'd made some progress on it.
It isn't the quality I'd hoped for when I started, but honestly, I'm just tired of this one hanging over my head!

I did a little quilting, inspired by -- but by no means as involved -- as a pin I ran across (completely by accident) of some amazing quilting on a much nicer version of these blocks (seriously, go drool, amazing)
For having feed dogs I had to fight, I think it turned out pretty well actually.

I was so excited to have it finished, I took a few photos last night the moment it was bound.
It's not great and I won't pretend I'm thrilled with it - but I am happy to be finished with it. And even though I'm very tempted to toss the directions and never think of it again, I still like it - so I'm going to file the directions and come back to it in another year or two. It'll be interesting to see how a little more practice, patience, and maturity changes the blocks I make. Hopefully for the better.

Update - Okay, so this whole thing got started because I knew this would be perfect for my mother for her birthday. Sadly, the pattern has been so hard on my limited skills that it wasn't done that year. And by the time I finished it, I was certain it was too imperfect to give. The other day she walked into my house, saw it, and let out an absolute squeal. She loves it and thinks it looks great. Now I'm kicking myself for not holding off and giving it to her anyway. Guess my own perfection tendencies got in the way again. Oh well, more incentive to try again sooner rather than later - and maybe a set of 6 if they go smoothly? Hmm....

14 March 2014


Happy Go Lucky Quilt - DONE! (NEEDS NEW PHOTO)

Yet to Do: square up, buy fabric and make binding, bind, wash.

Pansy Patch Project
FOUND -- again!
Yet to Do: finish piecing tops together, make back, baste, quilt, bind

Our Bedroom Quilts

Yet to do:
  • Cut Reunion fabrics for tops
  • Cut sash
  • Piece each top
  • Pre-wash fabrics for the backs
  • Piece each back (choose more fabric?)
  • Baste both
  • Choose thread/buy thread 
  • Quilt
  • Make binding 
  • Bind
  • Wash
Starbursts Quilt

Recent Progress: basted, partly quilted
Yet to do: quilt, bind, wash,

Vintage/Pixel Heart (Blue/Pink/Yellow/Muted)

Recent Progress: Pieced top
Yet to do: make a back, baste, quilt, bind, wash

Half-Square Triangle Quilts (Saturated/Black and Muted/Brown)

Recent Progress: Bought Fabric
Yet to do: Cut solids (half done), piece tops, make backs, baste, quilt, bind, wash

Xs and Os Charm Quilt

Recent Progress: shopping and basting
Yet to do: quilt, bind, wash

S'more Quilt
Recent Progress: basted
Yet to do: quilt, bind, wash

Waiting to Start:
  • Moda recipe for "Storybook Star" baby quilt 
  • Sweet Serenade quilt

I honestly am not even sure what day this is or if this thing is really up to date. I try to keep one draft progress post running as a way to keep myself accountable every time I log in - but between everything that's been happening this week, I'm just a little too frazzled to double check that it's caught up. I do know that I have tomorrow completely off - not even guests coming over. So after I get up (whenever I want, no alarm!) I hope to spend some serious time at the sewing machine, as well as a little more time organizing the new storage areas to work better. Hopefully this next week will be 'my week' instead of another week of stubbed toes and roller coasters. Sure, it starts with huge work days and boring stuff (health insurance and taxes), but I'm planning on it being a good week for emotional and mental health. 

13 March 2014

Spring Cleaning Plus Plus

I'm holding nothing back today. It's not going to be gory or gross; I'm just a little embarrassed to share these very unedited and uncropped photos of how we've been living...

Long story short - we're coming up on our fourth year of living in what was supposed to be a very temporary place. The goal was always to stay here a year or two, get some savings, then get a bigger place. Well, despite over two years of chasing after bigger places - from buying a house, to moving a bigger place in here, to building, to getting a giant metal dome and building a house inside it somehow - we're realistically no closer to getting out of here than we were two years ago. Sure, we've got some paperwork filled out, we have a Realtor, and we're in talks with a builder - but none of those steps feel like progress. And every one of those steps has been painfully difficult and fraught with what feels like a hundred things to stub our toes on.

Earlier this week we ran face first into yet another of those stumbling blocks - and I just couldn't take it any more. Nothing seeks to be going the right way for us to get out of here, and I'm tired of living such a temporary-don't-toss-that-we-might-need-it-when-we-move-don't-decorate-we-won't-be-here-long-just-live-with-toilets-that-require-opening-the-tank-to-flush-because-fixing-them-is-out-of-the-question-after-three-failed-attempts-and-you-know-the-second-we-install-working-ones-we'll-get-word-we're-able-to-move-life. While I desperately want to pop the oh-so-hated seam covers off the walls (if you've been in an older modular/trailer, you probably know what I'm talking about), cover every inch of this hideous faux-wallpaper in primer, then drown the walls in paint colors I like -- I settled for going on a major purge of the house.

Do I love this? Is it sentimental? Is it valuable? Is it something I've used in the last 4 months? If none of the above, it pretty much went out the window. I can't say the house is down to only the things I love most or the most useful things, but there is a whole lot less being stored in precious inches of extra space just in case we need it down the road. I might regret being so harsh if we ever do move, but unless miracles happen, that'll be so far down the road I just can't live for that day any more.

Ready for the bad and the ugly? I can't promise there's much 'good' - but what's happening now is certainly better, even if it is still 'in progress' and a long ways from either an 'after' or a 'done.'

Here's the office/sewing room/library before.
Looks messy and cramped? Yeah, it was. We each had 32 inches for our chairs at our desks, and I had another 32 x 30 space for my chair when I was at the sewing table - but that was it for free space. We basically had a walkway through the room to the bathroom and desks, but every other inch was filled with furniture. Since my fabric stash didn't all fit on the black baker's rack right inside the door, I had stacks of projects on every possible surface (except Greg's desk and chair).


Obviously the rug needs a vacuum (what's new) but look at how much space between the back of my sewing desk (left edge of the first picture with the denim sewing machine cover on it) and Greg's dresser (which doesn't fit in our bedroom no matter what we do). We've gone from 32 inches or less there to 60 inches. It is only 44 between the dresser and the bookcase - at the lower left edge of the same picture, but still, it feels like way more room! The black baker's rack went to another room, which freed up space for the dresser on that wall. The most exciting change of all though was taking the two big bookcases out and bringing in the green hutch for all my fabrics and projects.
How much better is that!?
Most of my stash of cotton/quilting fabrics fits on the top shelf and a half - though minky, bolts, and my box of fabric from my grandmother and great-grandmother (mostly fashion polyester, but I'm not willing to part with it) are in other places. Almost the entire bottom shelf is dedicated to projects I'm currently working on, with a little stack of further out but already sorted projects on the top right (Christmas stuff mostly).
Part way through I reorganized so my iron, as well as a red box of other in progress (but not right now) projects had a better home. The other cubby is full of vintage sheets. I should really use more of those...

And since making this many changes in the office impacted other rooms in the house, here's what happened in the living room:
Both the bookcases and the piano are going to be so much more accessible now than they were. I've already used both more times in the last 24 hours than previously this month -- and not just while moving everything over! You can barely see it in the first before photo, but off to the left of the piano wall there's a hallway that leads to the room we use for sleeping (which contains our king size bed centered with 12 inches of walkway on either side and not much else). Surprisingly, this whole hallway feels better and bigger now when we walk out to the piano music stand rather than the side of the hutch -- even though the music stand is closer to the opening! I've lost track of how many hours this took, more than six, but rehanging all those pictures took about an hour in this room alone!

I'm exhausted and the whole project has taken several days just to get to this 'in progress' point - but I am feeling so much better about living here another few months (or years, if I have to). The house feels a good 12 feet bigger overall - and in this small of a place (with this much junk), that's huge.

Now, I'm off to finish a book and enjoy my improved living room!

12 March 2014

Fabric Crush

I ought to make the fat quarter bin at the nearby JoAnn's off limit. I have no real need for fat quarters right now. The problem is, the best fabric in the store is usually found only there. I'm not sure why the fat quarter area has cuts of fabric that's never been anywhere else in my local store - especially when, so many times, I would much prefer to have bought a half-yard or more of whatever it is I've fallen in love with.

Especially since this way I'm forced to get it in five packs - and chances are I'm only interested in one of the five.

I'll give you one guess as to which one I wanted a yard of.

I'm a big fan of orange, and grey, and I've been on a recent kick for hedgehogs and foxes -- while my husband always likes owls. So it has several positives running --beyond the fact that it's just lovely. Especially for an animal print. While it will probably get set aside for use in a welcome baby package (or, sat on for a few years until I know whether I'll need it for a nursery or not... never know), this one in particular doesn't scream nursery print quite as loudly as some of the others in the pack...
I have no need for a nursery set for my own house, but I am very tempted to hang on to this just in case I do. At least the one print I really love... Well, I'll probably set it aside for a while until I need it for someone. I am working on getting a little head start since so many friends are either expecting or trying to be - so while I think I'm ahead enough right now, this is a good set to have in reserve for when someone surprises me!

On a personal note, I just accidently spent nine hours rearranging my house. It's not done yet, and not great-but it is going to be better. If I ever finish!

10 March 2014

Fabric Auditions: S'more Backing

I admit that I really rely too heavily on charm packs and anything else that lets me get a lot of coordinating fabric instead of trying to push myself to pick a few things to go together. I can't remember the last time I really pushed myself to choose pieces to go together instead of relying on lines, themes, or styles to choose instead of my own limited eye for color. One of my goals for this year was to push myself to be a little more adventurous and do some more choosing -- but all that intention aside, I really wish I could instead get my hands on a coordinating piece to go with my S'mores blocks quilt...

Unfortunately, the easy road is closed to me today - so I've pulled a couple backing options from my stash.

Neither one is perfect - I'd say the colors on the first choice are too dark/stark a contrast, and the second is a little bolder (though it looks close to the blue/green/orange fish print on the edge) - but they're in my stash and much more accessible than any thing else I could order! I'm leaning towards the second choice. It's a little less harsh a contrast, and in all honesty, I've been looking for a reason to use it. I think this is going to be it.

06 March 2014

S'more Beginnings

Like I mentioned yesterday, I jumped right in to working with the S'mores Love charm pack.
So much so that I really just went from start to 'finish' without taking much of a break in the middle for anything else.
At this point, the top is measuring about 28 by 40. I'm pretty happy with the overall size, but I do wish I'd cut my neutral break pieces just a little larger. I think the overall look is okay, even if it is a little off from what I'd intended - but by the time I realized my mistake (one hour in) I wasn't going to undo my progress and start over!
My mistake with the neutral cut size aside, this came together without any issues and so quickly. Right now I am so interested in seeing results - all of which added up for one great evening of sewing. Then again, when the fabrics are this cute, I might not mind spending a little more time with them.

I think I have a fabric in my stash that will work for the backing - but I'm not sure I have enough batting to get by. Right now all my batting is thick poly, and I think this one needs something that will drape a little better. I can't get to town tomorrow, but I sure wish I could! I just want to keep working on this one...

05 March 2014

Fabric Crush

Last month I made the somewhat risky choice to go ahead and order some charm packs I had been lusting over for quite a while. I might have been able to put it off for a bit longer - since I'm supposed to be saving right now - but I noticed that one of the prints I was really 'needing' was getting increasingly more challenging to find anywhere. While that pushed me to order sooner than I'd imagined, searching for somewhere that had S'more Love charm packs in stock actually led me to an Etsy shop with slightly better prices (even when counting shipping) than my usual haunts (which either didn't have it or were already out of it).

The package arrived and I have spent too many hours today just drooling over the crisp new arrivals. Sometimes I just have to savor before I start working on them!
I'm a big fan of both orange and aqua, so it's no surprise that I love this line. I'm just so happy I managed to track some down before it all got away from me! I didn't stare at this one for too long - so I'll be back tomorrow with better pictures of the fabric and what I did with it!

The other fabric I got was Bluebird Park:

Which is adorable, but I'm not 100% pleased with it as a charm size. A couple of the prints (hard to see in my picture, but the ones with bikes and park benches) aren't as ideal for charm size cuts as others (the repeating hedgehogs for example are ideal). I got lots of pieces of bikes (like the blue in the bottom right of the photo) but only one full bike - and I don't think I have a single full bench or sign post. I'm worried that as I sew the charms together I'll end up with just enough lost that someone who isn't familiar with the fabric line might not know what that was supposed to be. There are a lot of cute prints, and the colors are great, but I didn't think ahead about how those less repetitive, larger scale kind of prints would work in such a small cut. Hopefully once I start working with them I'll see that it's not a big deal and be able to move forward.

On a more personal note: while I didn't actually accomplish anything yesterday, I made three phone calls and sent four hard emails. No results yet beyond an appointment in two weeks. Still, it's some progress... kinda...

04 March 2014

March Goals

March Goals 
Okay - today I'm going to be totally open about what's been going on and what's on my plate right now. It's not that I want to share - but this blog is how I keep track of what I'm supposed to be doing, and keeping track of this off-blog has not been incentive enough to accomplish enough. I have got to get this stuff done in the next 10 days or my next two+ years just went wildly off schedule. I know, I know, not everything in life can be scheduled, but sometimes, there are important things that need to be somewhat scheduled if they're going to happen at all. 

Read 5+ Books
Read 1+ Non-Fiction (can count as one of the 5+ total)
Cut time on Pinterest to less than 2 hours/day. No more 5 hour Pinterest sessions.
Do the dishes every night before bed
Deep clean the fridge and freezer
Swap out the Valentine's Decorations for something more appropriate for March.

New Projects / Pinterest Challenge:
1+ new recipe
1+ small project/tutorial (mini quilt, bag, or something crafty that doesn't require the sewing machine)

My Projects:
Finish the 2013 cross stitch portrait
Finish at least one quilt (including washing)
Quilt at least two quilts (baby size)

Grown Up Junk:
Email Realtor
Contact insurance company
Scan in 17 pages of information (using scanner/printer that hasn't worked for three years? Hope I get a day off to do this in...)
Send info to Banker #3
Call Builder #1
Send info to Banker #1
Email Builders 2-5
Health Insurance: set up meeting, attend meeting, choose a plan,
Finish tax paperwork
Send into to Banker #3 again
Yeah, this is why I've been having a hard time accomplishing anything. This stuff is all torture as far as I'm concerned. Sadly, very little of it can be handled by my more outgoing, less shy better half. But I am asking him to handle the parts of it that he can do for me. 

03 March 2014

February Wrap Up

February Goals: 
Read 5+ books
  • "Cress" Marissa Meyer
  • "Song of the Lioness: Lioness Rampant" Tamora Pierce
  • "A Little Princess" Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • "The Goddess Wars: Antigoddess" Kendare Blake
  • "Inhuman" Kat Falls
  • "Of Beast and Beauty" Stacey Jay
  • "Hideous Love" Stephanie Hemphill
  • "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" Cassandra Clare
Third Fashion Challenge Check-In
Work on the 2013 Cross-stitch portrait
Piece at least 1 starburst block - Easily pieced five more starburst blocks, which turned into two different projects. 
Relax - Debatable whether I accomplished this or not. I'm kind of feeling less stressed, but I never had a real chance to relax or go on even a 12 hour vacation. It was a lot of spending my whole day running after my tail, but since I was giving myself permission to accomplish less, I wasn't as worried about what I could be doing with this hour instead of sitting at a gas station waiting for my next appointment since they're scheduled too close together to do anything productive and too far apart to go straight from one to the next. So, less stress, but not sure more relaxing... 

Three difficult phone calls
Two difficult meetings
Which resulted in: 3 emails, 1 phone call, and one three visits I have yet to accomplish...

I can't believe it's March already! I know February is always a short month, but this month seemed shorter than usual! I don't even have a planned list of goals for March yet - and it's nearly the 4th of March. Sounds like vacation is over and I need to kick it into gear if I'm going to stay on task for the next couple months. And truthfully, if I'm not on task for those months, I'm going to do some serious reevaluating and see about changing the long term plans/goals. The stress going into some of the things I'm hoping to accomplish this year (or next year) -- with no sign of payoff in the future, near or far -- is beginning to get to me. Oh wait, I think that was my story last month! 

Considering I just attempted to spell 'month' with a 'g' in the middle of it, I think I'm going to take a couple more hours to relax and I'll be back tomorrow with a list of March goals. Some of which I might even have accomplished by then. We'll see...