21 January 2017

Chaos... in a good way?

I bought the solid white fabric I needed. But I couldn't bring myself to purchase solid browns to go with my scrappy top. The fabrics were wrong, and frankly, the thought of buying fabric I didn't absolutely have to went so against my 'buy less' plan that I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

That said, what I did instead might have been a big mistake.

I have bolts of yardage purchased when a fabric store was relocating. And several of those bolts are mostly brown -- so it seemed like a win-win. Use fabric I already have, spend less, still accomplish the goals all around.

I didn't figure on how loud dots can be.

I fought wind and snow to get this much of a photo, so it's going to have to do.

And truthfully, I think it looks better in the photo than it did in my mind's eye... so maybe it isn't quite as bad as I thought... But in person, I'm afraid it's a bit overwhelming.

The brown dot on white is printed at a bit of a slant, so if the fabric is straight, the print isn't. That makes working with it in large pieces an extra challenge.

In person, I'd have said the brown/white was okay and the brown/orange was not. In these photos, I kind of feel the other way...

And there's a lot of the dotty fabrics -- though of course I could cut it down a little. I probably will. I was aiming for a generous baby size, and wound up with about a twin! Since I'd like the scraps to go back to being the focus, cutting it down might be the 'right' choice. But, I'm going to let it percolate a while before I decide.

Obviously my mind was not on my work. But I'm going to let it rest for a few days and perhaps I will like it better next time I look at it.

Where was my mind? Somewhere between a toddler who desperately wants to be outside and does not understand the concept of 'too cold' and the kitchen re-do project. I did the math last night and I'm removing about 11 cabinets and putting in 3 (1 base, 1 upper, 1 pantry). I'll eventually also put in some other 'pantry' style storage, a small island on wheels, and a china hutch type piece.

It feels like a whole lot is going out -- and it is -- but I really think we're going to gain a lot more usability. We're losing 6 drawers -- but 2 of them used to fall out and crush toes, and 1 hasn't worked right since we got the new stove. Three of the cabinets were corner pieces accessible only through other cabinets or from the living room instead of the kitchen. Hopefully we're correcting a lot of issues... but it's a lot of work and a lot of guesswork right now!

20 January 2017

Prepping for Dresden Plates

Starting on Sunday, my local quilting group is going to be taking on Dresden Plate blocks. 

At our last meeting, I don't think any of us had made a Dresden Plate before.

About one hour of sewing time later, I've made one.

I made it to the same scale as our plans for the group, so hopefully this practice will pay off when it comes time to make the blocks in February.

I've always held off on Dresden Plate blocks for several reasons.

They seem so traditional / granny-style.  -- Except, it's all in the fabric choices, isn't it? I can't say much for the choices I made today, this was about pieces I didn't mind losing if the practice didn't go well...

Applique? Yikes! -- Except, it was actually really easy.

Time consuming. -- Except, no more than any other new block. And while it won't get too much faster with practice, an hour for a 16 inch square block is not that bad... I couldn't do a precise log cabin of this size that quickly -- though a wonky log cabin of this size might not be out of reach...

But I'm not afraid any more. Dresden Plates, bring it on!

Here's to choosing fabrics and cutting petals on Sunday, and starting the blocks in February!

12 January 2017

Quilt #31 -- Starburst for CGQ

This quilt took all of 2016 to finish. Not because it is time consuming or because I was taking extra care with each step, but just because.

The initial goal behind this quilt was to have everyone in the group start with the same pattern and do their own thing. It was a good idea -- but not something we'll be doing again. Without the pressure of working together, we all kind of wandered off into other projects. I won't lie, that helped me get other things done as this is about my only time to quilt. But it did not help any of us get these quilts done.

Having done the central 'starburst' block several times in the past, I knew I wanted to go big and then take on a medallion quilt inspired challenge. While I like what I did, I learned that I need a pattern to follow for future medallion attempts.

Some of the fabrics came from my stash, some came from the group stash. But I'm really thrilled with the way they all worked together. The black floral print and the light pinks really work together, and while the dog print and the candy hearts on the back seem a little bolder, they really work well with the colorful quilting.

Seriously, I love the quilting so much. And I love that I kept the lime thread in for attaching the black and white binding. It's a little thing many people won't see at all, but it brings me great joy.

Now that it's all done, I have no idea why I put off working on it for so long. But that's my process: initial love, massive amounts of questioning, putting off basting, and renewed love. The less of a plan I have, the more the questioning lasts -- another thing I'm constantly working to overcome, and focusing on especially in 2017!

So, it may have taken approximately 1 year from start to finish, but it's done now and I'm thrilled. Now I'm off to research my links of 'where to donate quilts' until I find the right home for this one, and the other quilts the rest of the group made.

11 January 2017

2017 Goals

Things have been going smoothly so far this year, but I still want to simplify and focus on bigger, more important things.

Like what?

I want to be moving towards buying less, making more, and being a whole lot more intentional about what is coming into my house -- in terms of what I'm buying, what packaging it is coming in, how many plastic bags I end up with, as well as in a less physical more 'attitude' sense.

I've tried to do the reusable shopping bag thing before, but I've got an uncomfortable amount of plastic bags waiting to be used, and it's time to be much, much more intentional.

I'm also getting really tired of throwing away food. I've got to get better at planning meals and especially at using left overs. I've also got to watch how long things sit in my freezer... I throw away more freezer burned  ice cream...

I want to use from my stash as much as possible -- while recognizing that I've got at least 3 projects upcoming or in progress that require purchasing more fabric.

I'm just feeling overwhelmed with the "stuff" of life -- emotional, physical, everything. I want to simplify, while also working hard to ensure that I'm working towards sustainable goals of 'less waste.'

It sounds complicated... but in my head it feels simple -- while something I need to think about every day until it becomes habit.

2017 Goals
  1. Go visit Baby C #1 and #2!! and family 
  2. Read  5  4! non-fiction books (one done already!)
  3. Put an extra $50 towards savings most/all months
  4. Have the piano tuned 
  5. Get a clothes line
  6. Try a new restaurant or cuisine at least twice 
  7. Attend a live performance (play, musical, orchestra, concert, etc.) 
  8. Baby proof the house as needed 
    • locks on outside doors 
    • attach bookcases to walls
    • anchor dressers
  9. Trip to NE to see the family 
  10. Clean daily: 
    1. Sweep daily
    2. Mop at least twice a week
    3. 1-2 loads of laundry per day (unless somehow there's none to do)
    4. Hand wash dishes daily
  11. Kitchen redo (there's a chance this is starting today!)
  12. Track books/reading somehow
  13. Work on 16 (!!) In Progress Quilts
  14. Get a fenced yard
  15. Patio progress (walls/banisters)
Things to Make in 2017
  1. CQG Quilt (likely to be Dresden Plates)
  2. Prayer Quilt for Cousin C -- already in progress, but my most important finish

The Big Goals

  1. Use more, throw away less
  2. Cook more, out to eat less
  3. Buy less 
    1. especially clothing (especially for the kiddo)
    2. splurge food things
    3. 'wants' 
    4. fabric I just want to look at instead of use
  4. Be more active
  5. Be more present / interactive

I both feel like this is too much and too little... but I haven't found anything to add or delete, so I guess that's my year-to-be plan.

And instead of sitting here wondering what I'm missing, I'm off to empty my kitchen into storage so we can start on some kitchen renovations... Yikes! 

05 January 2017

2016 -- How'd I do? -- Uuuugh

So, I know 2016 wasn't my best year. A quick glance at my Goal list really shows how much so!

2016 Goals
  1. Go visit Baby C #1 and #2!! and family (I've got to stop calling #1 a baby, her parents keep talking about sending her to school next fall!) -- Maybe spring 2017? Traveling is hard! But easier than it used to be... 
  2. Bigger car. I hate to trade in our car, but traveling longer than overnight with Baby requires a lot more luggage than we have room for right now. 
  3. Read 5 non-fiction books -- I feel like I did this, but I haven't kept track of my reading since the baby was born. I need to find a better way to track my reading. I kind of use Good Reads, but it's impossible to use on my phone and I almost never go on my computer... so it's really not working for me. 
  4. Donate or dispose of 50 things from within the house (outgrown baby items don't count)
  5. Renaissance Festival trip (with an almost 1 year old? is this too big a dream?) NOPE
  6. Put an extra $50 towards savings most/all months -- Nope, but I did put all unexpected cash (tips, gifts, etc.) into the Future Fund for the baby (because I don't know if he's going to go to college, or get married, or whatever, but it's nice to know he's got a little something set aside).
  7. Have the piano tuned 
  8. Clear off the piano so it's usable nearly every day 
  9. Get a clothes line
  10. Try a new restaurant or cuisine at least twice 
  11. Attend a live performance (play, musical, orchestra, concert, etc.) -- Not even close, but the husband and I did get to go to a movie (in December), so maybe this isn't quite as far out of reach for 2017? If only more live performances were at earlier times. It's hard for me to be gone at bedtime (hard for me, the kiddo has done fine the couple of times it's happened). 
  12. Attend 1 baby shower
  13. Attend 1-2 birthday parties 
  14. Baby proof the nursery as needed 
    • cover 2 outlets, 
    • deal with mini blinds/cords, 
    • ensure mice and all reminders of are really, 100% gone,
    • something safer with the doors? -- he's currently in a door shutting phase, but we're keeping them from totally latching, so I think this is working. In 2017 I may have to install some high up locks to keep him in the house though...
    • attach bookcases to walls, -- I think about this every single day. But we're about to start another home reshaping project, so to do it now would be foolish. Instead, I follow him at all times. Seriously. He's currently in the kitchen as 'unsupervised' as he gets. I can see him, but he doesn't know it. Except that I forgot to lock the trashcan and just glanced up to find him spreading yesterday's coffee grounds all over the floor. So... the watching could be better as well as the proofing! 
    • fix the squeaky heat register flap!! 
    • check for any other needs...
  15. Convince the baby to start using the nursery (at least for naps) -- probably a spring / summer project -- hahaha, I was so hopeful. But I'm doing what gets us all sleep. And I refuse to care about any 'shoulds' beyond that. 
  16. Trip to NE to see all the family (minimum of 3 days -- but what if we need 4 for travel!?)
  17. Sweep daily, mop at least twice a week
  18. Install cabinet locks in kitchen 
  19. Install cabinet locks in bathroom as needed
So, I accomplished about 9 out of 19 things? Close to half my goals, but... that's not really a very good grade. But it's about to get worse...

Things to Make in 2016 
  1. Make the Ditto quilt (I own the pattern and the tool, just haven't used it yet) 
  2. 2014 cross stitch portrait 
  3. 2015 cross stitch portrait? (I think at this point I need to focus on every 5th year and let the annual process go)
  4. 2 or more Welcome Baby Packages 
    1. Make a quilt or two (use from stash if possible?)
    2. 2 hooded towels
    3. 4 bibs

  5. Complete in progress quilts: 
    1. Solids 
    2. Stripey Persimmon Quilt (need binding)  
    3. Scrappy X+ quilt - Top done, back needed
    4. 2 quilts for our bed -- ugh, I made progress early in the year, but haven't come up with a back for the second one, and the idea of basting just exhausts me. 

I'm actually thinking that at this point (2017) it is time to abandon the idea of finishing the 2014 portrait. If I back off from every year (haha) to every 5th, I still need a 2015... Or maybe I just do them for 'big points' like the wedding (that's the first one), and I could do one with a baby/toddler and then... not worry about it for a long time... That sounds good too. 

Making quilts pretty much didn't happen in 2016. I finished 4 quilts (three of which were started in 2015). Most of them went into the 'baby gift' pile, and one was for my kiddo (it's in the car right now, having been used twice when the car was too cold, but otherwise is practically unused). Between gifts, my quiltings, and my kiddo growing so quickly, I'm actually debating moving some of 'his quilts' (like the first one I made when I was pregnant) into the 'gift pile.' It seems odd, but since that one in particular was used twice for photo shoots and is otherwise completely unused (and now too small to use), I'm not sure it's worth hanging onto. (He's got many others that are either more used or a better size that I'll be keeping out of sentimental reasons, or hopes to use them as he gets older.) 

And that's kind of my year.... Here's hoping 2017 is better all around: getting more done and keeping better track of it! 

04 January 2017

Quilting the 2016 Starburst!

I ought to find something to knock on, but so far 2017 has been a great year for accomplishing stuff!

I basted quilt.

And quilted it.

And although I don't have a new photo -- I even got it bound!

It hardly took any time at all. Once I jumped in and got going.

It's just the getting started that is hard.

Unless the nearly-toddler is around. Then it's all hard. No matter how little it is.

(Except I'd much rather hang out with him. But I can't do both things at once -- four hands are too many for quilting, and one isn't enough!)

The two above photos kind of show the pattern, but I'm not sure they show the colors...

I quilted it in some colorful thread -- a little reddish pink, a little yellow, and a little green. I really just doodled a pattern, then echoed it out so that the edges were more densely quilted and the center wasn't too densely quilted. I had envisioned trying my hand at some smaller doodles -- maybe more like swirls and circles -- but I need more practice before that's something I'm ready to pull off!

The above shows the colors a little more. In life, the photos show up a lot better but still aren't distracting from the top in any way.

I'm really excited to see how this photographs under better lighting (assuming there will be better lighting). It's spent the better part of the year being worked on in very slow bits and pieces, and I'm very glad that it is finally finished. Finishing this is kind of the... final icing on 2016 being behind me. That's great new. It wasn't the worst year, but it simply seemed like everything was extra frustrating, and extra challenging. I'm hopeful that 2017 will be a less challenging year... and that if it is just as challenging, that I'll be better equipped to rise to meet the challenges!

01 January 2017

Playing with Layouts

Truthfully, I've never thought of myself as someone who likes scrappy, chaotic quilts. I'm usually attracted to the more perfect, the more specific. If I'm picking a pattern or purchasing a quilt, that's what I want.

But nothing makes me happier than the absolute puzzle of fitting together totally unmatched, strange sized blocks -- either with each other or adding in lots of excess background.

I had a blast doing that in 2015 when my group made a wonky star quilt. Starting with something more or less like this group of blocks:
 And turning it into a quilt that looked like this:
It's the most strange, freeing yet precise puzzle I have ever done. And I utterly love it.

So, you know I'm having a blast doing it again with my current scrappy quilt.

After looking at the pictures from the other day, I did decide to move the dark brown zig zag quilt into the approximate center of the quilt, and I am more or less working out from there. Right now, it looks kind of like this:
There are a couple of 'blanks' that still need filled (bottom center is most noticeable) but I think it's coming together nicely.

For me, putting this all together is mostly about putting together blocks into bigger and bigger blocks, all while keeping the seams as square and easy as possible. So, I'm going from a couple dozen small blocks in random sizes towards the eventually goal of three super blocks (a left, center, and right) that should go together into a full top in 2 quick seams.

That's the plan anyway.

Right now, the right column super block is in 3 large blocks, and the center column super block is done except the blank spot, which will be built from any trimmings I have left when the left super block is completed (there's some overlap you can't see in the photo, so I know there's some excess). I haven't started putting the left column together yet -- though I know the order and have a plan.

All that said, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to need a bottom row super block (although it could go on top too). I'll have to see how the 'top' measures when I'm finished with the 3 column super blocks, but the quilt is shrinking faster than I anticipated (seam allowances).

I could also just add a solid colored border to size it up. I have been drooling over this all-grey scrappy quilt with a solid border addition (Lauren Hawley, via Pinterest). I'm not sure it would be nearly as appealing with so many colors.
Obviously just a quick mock-up. I kind of like it in the browns (because brown? because tones of a single color? because it goes with the center block?), but it's not quite as appealing as the inspiration.

Well, no reason to get too stressed yet -- we'll just have to see what happens when what I have is finished and how the size turns out. But the more I look at the brown one there, the more I like it.

I'm headed into a short week -- and really need to focus on a different quilt right now -- so I'm thinking this one should take a back seat for a while. But I'm not sure it will. It's still a good size to pull out and work on over breakfast and the few little breaks I get. Basting, not so much. But once I get that basted, I can quilt it in the same times and spaces, so... decisions, decisions!

But it feels really, really good to be back at the machine. Hopefully this suggests 2017 will be a more creative year than 2016.