05 January 2017

2016 -- How'd I do? -- Uuuugh

So, I know 2016 wasn't my best year. A quick glance at my Goal list really shows how much so!

2016 Goals
  1. Go visit Baby C #1 and #2!! and family (I've got to stop calling #1 a baby, her parents keep talking about sending her to school next fall!) -- Maybe spring 2017? Traveling is hard! But easier than it used to be... 
  2. Bigger car. I hate to trade in our car, but traveling longer than overnight with Baby requires a lot more luggage than we have room for right now. 
  3. Read 5 non-fiction books -- I feel like I did this, but I haven't kept track of my reading since the baby was born. I need to find a better way to track my reading. I kind of use Good Reads, but it's impossible to use on my phone and I almost never go on my computer... so it's really not working for me. 
  4. Donate or dispose of 50 things from within the house (outgrown baby items don't count)
  5. Renaissance Festival trip (with an almost 1 year old? is this too big a dream?) NOPE
  6. Put an extra $50 towards savings most/all months -- Nope, but I did put all unexpected cash (tips, gifts, etc.) into the Future Fund for the baby (because I don't know if he's going to go to college, or get married, or whatever, but it's nice to know he's got a little something set aside).
  7. Have the piano tuned 
  8. Clear off the piano so it's usable nearly every day 
  9. Get a clothes line
  10. Try a new restaurant or cuisine at least twice 
  11. Attend a live performance (play, musical, orchestra, concert, etc.) -- Not even close, but the husband and I did get to go to a movie (in December), so maybe this isn't quite as far out of reach for 2017? If only more live performances were at earlier times. It's hard for me to be gone at bedtime (hard for me, the kiddo has done fine the couple of times it's happened). 
  12. Attend 1 baby shower
  13. Attend 1-2 birthday parties 
  14. Baby proof the nursery as needed 
    • cover 2 outlets, 
    • deal with mini blinds/cords, 
    • ensure mice and all reminders of are really, 100% gone,
    • something safer with the doors? -- he's currently in a door shutting phase, but we're keeping them from totally latching, so I think this is working. In 2017 I may have to install some high up locks to keep him in the house though...
    • attach bookcases to walls, -- I think about this every single day. But we're about to start another home reshaping project, so to do it now would be foolish. Instead, I follow him at all times. Seriously. He's currently in the kitchen as 'unsupervised' as he gets. I can see him, but he doesn't know it. Except that I forgot to lock the trashcan and just glanced up to find him spreading yesterday's coffee grounds all over the floor. So... the watching could be better as well as the proofing! 
    • fix the squeaky heat register flap!! 
    • check for any other needs...
  15. Convince the baby to start using the nursery (at least for naps) -- probably a spring / summer project -- hahaha, I was so hopeful. But I'm doing what gets us all sleep. And I refuse to care about any 'shoulds' beyond that. 
  16. Trip to NE to see all the family (minimum of 3 days -- but what if we need 4 for travel!?)
  17. Sweep daily, mop at least twice a week
  18. Install cabinet locks in kitchen 
  19. Install cabinet locks in bathroom as needed
So, I accomplished about 9 out of 19 things? Close to half my goals, but... that's not really a very good grade. But it's about to get worse...

Things to Make in 2016 
  1. Make the Ditto quilt (I own the pattern and the tool, just haven't used it yet) 
  2. 2014 cross stitch portrait 
  3. 2015 cross stitch portrait? (I think at this point I need to focus on every 5th year and let the annual process go)
  4. 2 or more Welcome Baby Packages 
    1. Make a quilt or two (use from stash if possible?)
    2. 2 hooded towels
    3. 4 bibs

  5. Complete in progress quilts: 
    1. Solids 
    2. Stripey Persimmon Quilt (need binding)  
    3. Scrappy X+ quilt - Top done, back needed
    4. 2 quilts for our bed -- ugh, I made progress early in the year, but haven't come up with a back for the second one, and the idea of basting just exhausts me. 

I'm actually thinking that at this point (2017) it is time to abandon the idea of finishing the 2014 portrait. If I back off from every year (haha) to every 5th, I still need a 2015... Or maybe I just do them for 'big points' like the wedding (that's the first one), and I could do one with a baby/toddler and then... not worry about it for a long time... That sounds good too. 

Making quilts pretty much didn't happen in 2016. I finished 4 quilts (three of which were started in 2015). Most of them went into the 'baby gift' pile, and one was for my kiddo (it's in the car right now, having been used twice when the car was too cold, but otherwise is practically unused). Between gifts, my quiltings, and my kiddo growing so quickly, I'm actually debating moving some of 'his quilts' (like the first one I made when I was pregnant) into the 'gift pile.' It seems odd, but since that one in particular was used twice for photo shoots and is otherwise completely unused (and now too small to use), I'm not sure it's worth hanging onto. (He's got many others that are either more used or a better size that I'll be keeping out of sentimental reasons, or hopes to use them as he gets older.) 

And that's kind of my year.... Here's hoping 2017 is better all around: getting more done and keeping better track of it! 

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