20 January 2017

Prepping for Dresden Plates

Starting on Sunday, my local quilting group is going to be taking on Dresden Plate blocks. 

At our last meeting, I don't think any of us had made a Dresden Plate before.

About one hour of sewing time later, I've made one.

I made it to the same scale as our plans for the group, so hopefully this practice will pay off when it comes time to make the blocks in February.

I've always held off on Dresden Plate blocks for several reasons.

They seem so traditional / granny-style.  -- Except, it's all in the fabric choices, isn't it? I can't say much for the choices I made today, this was about pieces I didn't mind losing if the practice didn't go well...

Applique? Yikes! -- Except, it was actually really easy.

Time consuming. -- Except, no more than any other new block. And while it won't get too much faster with practice, an hour for a 16 inch square block is not that bad... I couldn't do a precise log cabin of this size that quickly -- though a wonky log cabin of this size might not be out of reach...

But I'm not afraid any more. Dresden Plates, bring it on!

Here's to choosing fabrics and cutting petals on Sunday, and starting the blocks in February!

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