11 January 2017

2017 Goals

Things have been going smoothly so far this year, but I still want to simplify and focus on bigger, more important things.

Like what?

I want to be moving towards buying less, making more, and being a whole lot more intentional about what is coming into my house -- in terms of what I'm buying, what packaging it is coming in, how many plastic bags I end up with, as well as in a less physical more 'attitude' sense.

I've tried to do the reusable shopping bag thing before, but I've got an uncomfortable amount of plastic bags waiting to be used, and it's time to be much, much more intentional.

I'm also getting really tired of throwing away food. I've got to get better at planning meals and especially at using left overs. I've also got to watch how long things sit in my freezer... I throw away more freezer burned  ice cream...

I want to use from my stash as much as possible -- while recognizing that I've got at least 3 projects upcoming or in progress that require purchasing more fabric.

I'm just feeling overwhelmed with the "stuff" of life -- emotional, physical, everything. I want to simplify, while also working hard to ensure that I'm working towards sustainable goals of 'less waste.'

It sounds complicated... but in my head it feels simple -- while something I need to think about every day until it becomes habit.

2017 Goals
  1. Go visit Baby C #1 and #2!! and family 
  2. Read  5  4! non-fiction books (one done already!)
  3. Put an extra $50 towards savings most/all months
  4. Have the piano tuned 
  5. Get a clothes line
  6. Try a new restaurant or cuisine at least twice 
  7. Attend a live performance (play, musical, orchestra, concert, etc.) 
  8. Baby proof the house as needed 
    • locks on outside doors 
    • attach bookcases to walls
    • anchor dressers
  9. Trip to NE to see the family 
  10. Clean daily: 
    1. Sweep daily
    2. Mop at least twice a week
    3. 1-2 loads of laundry per day (unless somehow there's none to do)
    4. Hand wash dishes daily
  11. Kitchen redo (there's a chance this is starting today!)
  12. Track books/reading somehow
  13. Work on 16 (!!) In Progress Quilts
  14. Get a fenced yard
  15. Patio progress (walls/banisters)
Things to Make in 2017
  1. CQG Quilt (likely to be Dresden Plates)
  2. Prayer Quilt for Cousin C -- already in progress, but my most important finish

The Big Goals

  1. Use more, throw away less
  2. Cook more, out to eat less
  3. Buy less 
    1. especially clothing (especially for the kiddo)
    2. splurge food things
    3. 'wants' 
    4. fabric I just want to look at instead of use
  4. Be more active
  5. Be more present / interactive

I both feel like this is too much and too little... but I haven't found anything to add or delete, so I guess that's my year-to-be plan.

And instead of sitting here wondering what I'm missing, I'm off to empty my kitchen into storage so we can start on some kitchen renovations... Yikes! 

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