01 September 2015

August Goals & Wrap Up

August Goals & Wrap Up

Continue surviving. -- Obviously accomplished. Some days are much easier than others, but we are all still here, and managing to eat and shower (most days) so I think that's about as much as I can hope for right now. 

  • make some progress on quilting the Wonky Stars quilt for CQG -- I'm cutting the binding as soon as I'm finished here, and hope to get it attached tonight. 
  • make progress on the new mini quilt -- I managed 3 more pieces. If I can print off the pattern, I'll take this as my project for Thursday's quilt group. If not, I have another plan in mind. 
  • start cooking meals (at least 1 meal a day) -- Hahaha. No. Partly because it is hot. Partly because the moment I start something un-stopable (like a work phone call) is the moment baby transfers from sleeping to screaming. 
Pack a couple lunches for Greg on long work days
2+ doctor's appointments -- One accomplished, but not the one I intended to have. Hurrah for (what the clinic tells me is) De Quervain's tensoynovitis. 2 weeks of thumb brace. So far, I'm doing a bad job at keeping it on, but there are just some things that are more important and can't be accomlished with it on. Yuck. So, still need to make and attend 2 more appointments. I'd better hurry up and get those on the calendar. 

Also managed to read 1 book (a reread from earlier this year), and am close to finishing 2 more. 

In less exciting news, we also took baby out of state for the first time, attended 2 family reunions and a funeral (thus the out of state trip), and are full time cloth diapering. 

I hope that as we get more used to being parents and baby gets more used to being here, we'll be able to find some kind of schedule and I'll be able to do more than just take care of baby and self -- but I think that's probably another month or so away from being more than a fond hope. Still, I'm doing better with sleeping (or not sleeping) than I was last month, so I'm optimistic for the future. 

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