Except apparently I didn't hit 'publish' on this last time I was logged in -- about a month ago! Whoops!
July Reading List:
- "Ella Enchanted" Gail Carson Levine
- "BeastKeeper" Cat Hellisen
- "Beneath a Marble Sky" John Shors
- "The Sin Eater's Daughter" Melinda Salisbury
- "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" J.K. Rowling
Basted the panda quilt
Started on a mini-quilt -- but haven't finished (more on this later, I hope)
Baked a blueberry upside down cake
Cleaned my house (except the 2 bathrooms)
Got back into some pre-pregnancy pants
At this point in my life, accomplishing a load of laundry each day is about as much as I manage, but I am not only surviving, but managing laundry and a few other things -- so I'll call that pretty good!
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