14 May 2015

Embraceable Persimmons -- Quilted??

I've been pushing myself to get this one out of the 'to quilt' pile -- since I only have enough basting pins for one project at a time and I really need to get working on other things asap. So, I'll be the first to say that I'm not quite certain the quilting on this one is officially done. It's certainly at that point -- that happens with nearly all of my projects -- where I debate whether things are good enough, or in need of one more thing.

Fortunately, it's quilted enough that I can move on to other projects while I ponder the done or not quality of the quilting.

The winter white thread vanishes into the fabric, and even in a close-up picture it's really challenging to see what I have done so far. Each of the three sections are quilted differently, but on the largest portion I used straight stitching, zig zag stitching, and my favorite hill/wave (automatic stitch on my machine) stitching along every seam. I thought it would be a little wild, but it disappears so easily I doubt most people will notice at all.

It's slightly easier to see the textures of the stitching from the back -- and this is another shot that lets me show off the top vs the back. I'm just thrilled at how that came together completely by accident.

So, I'm debating adding more vertical lines in the larger space of the quilt. The two smaller areas have vertical lines, or vertical and horizontal, but the largest part of the quilt is only horizontal. And yet, if I add anything vertical, it'll be completely free hand, risk detracting from what I've already done, and doesn't that approach some kind of plaid pattern? Not quite the look I'm going for here...

Obviously I've got a lot more thinking to do here, but I'm leaning towards calling this one good.

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