19 July 2017

Confetti and Blogging Behind

I'm fighting to get things onto the blog these days. Not only because my progress tends to happen one block per day or slower, but it's taking me multiple days to get the pictures from my phone to my computer (and for whatever reason, I can't blog from my phone). That's making Instagram (my latest social media join, what can I say, I'm slow to take on new things) the easier place to update. I'm not giving up on here -- I like being able to type so much, more for journal reasons than anything else -- but I'm afraid it is increasingly behind.

Here's an attempt at catching up:
I've been working on this for a few months, one and off as I'd like. Mostly not working on it. But I pulled it out again recently and thought I would get it working again. I started building blocks and thought I was happy with it.

Until I tried it on a design wall.
Not quite what I wanted at all. Interesting how the change in lighting -- and surface background -- can change how things look and feel.

I sat on it for a couple days, debating solutions and taking opinions. Most opinions suggested adding a darker border between the existing blocks. My gut said I needed to chop up the existing blocks -- that each pop of color was too big.

I took a two prong approach to solving my problem: I chopped them up and added some low volume borders -- low volume that is more 'medium' compared to the white and white-on-white I'd been using thus far.

It's hard to see the majority of the low volume additions, but I promise they are there -- and that it has made a huge difference.  Not quite every block got an addition, and some got 2 or 3, which makes it easier to begin thinking about turning my newly-small blocks back into bigger blocks.

The boldest low-volume additions include gold metalics, and two of them additions are more 'cream,' but my favorite ones are white with cream -- although they are significantly harder to see in these pictures.

I'm debating whether this will be a wall hanging in the kiddo's room, or whether it will hang on my design wall area when nothing else is. I think by the time it is put together, it will be too small for a baby quilt. I do have more low volume whites and white fabrics, so I could add a little bit of a border around the outside if it's close to baby quilt sized by the time I'm done.

Truthfully, I'm just playing, and enjoying the break from using my brain too much. Even if that sometimes leads to me needing to use my brain more. I've got a lot of work ahead of me to begin piecing these little blocks into larger and larger blocks, but that's the kind of work I love.

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