28 May 2014

So Much Help

My sewing machine desk is an older, used piece that I picked up at a thrift store (two years before I began sewing) for $10. For the most part, it works really well - great drawers, good height for sitting at, fold out table top, but it doesn't have the strength of spring - or the right holes - for me to attach my sewing machine to the surface. This means that instead of storing the machine inside the desk and revealing it only when I open the top, I store my machine under a cover on the top of the desk. So every time I want to use the machine/desk, I have to clear the desk off, open up one of the leaves of the desk top, and place the machine on the lower surface. 

Except recently, every time I start to clear off the desk top, this happens: 
Or this:
Usually, I can tell Momo to move and he gets off the desk, but recently he's been a real grump and doesn't move out of my way. Worse, he's taken to scratching at me if I do more than ask him to move. Between this constant battle and my own limited motivation at the moment, I am not getting much done.

Some days it is easy to beat myself up for not getting up and turning on the machine no matter the obstacles that seem to be stopping me - other days I think I shouldn't force the process. I am not on a tight timeline for anything I'm making. I don't want to rush the process just to get another 'done' checked off the list; I want to enjoy the process. It's sometimes hard, but I am giving myself permission to have less energetic and less creative days. I'd rather take a day or a week or even a month off than push myself to churn something out just to get it done -- especially if that means I'm not happy with the process or the result.

So, this is a reminder to me - and anyone reading this - that it's okay to take time off. It's okay to have days that aren't productive or creative. Flowers don't bloom all the time. Trees take all winter off to concentrate on their internal strength. You can take a few days to regroup. The day will come when your creativity is back and ready to start on a project.

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