08 March 2013

A Little Memory Project...

Last week when I was trying to pull together Agent N's birthday package, I finally decided to give something that's been on my 'to do' list for almost two years: a cloth memory game set. I really intended to save that for a Christmas gift - especially since he's probably still a little young to really appreciate it - but I was procrastinating on Quilt B  had some time and I needed a little more in the package. Not the greatest reason for giving something early, but I decided to go for it anyway.

When making memory game sets in the past, I've gone through a lot of felt by making 'frames' to fit around the fabric squares. I was the kind of kid who marked the Candy Land cards (and the Uno cards), so for me, it's important to minimize the possibility of seeing colors at the edges. This time however, I didn't quite have enough felt left to do that - so I took another approach, and hey, learning to check the edges for hints is another part of learning to play the game... right?

The process was simple:

  • stack the felt and print, right side in
  • stitch almost all the way around - hitting all four corners - but leave a small opening to turn it (back stitch on either side)
  • clip the corners 
  • turn outside out
  • top stitch making sure you close the opening where it was turned
Easy. Not quite what I'd call fast - especially not when working with that size of squares - but it's easy to get into the grove and burn through them without much thought.

My favorite part by far was choosing the 16 sets of 3 inch squares. Digging through my fabric scraps is almost always fun. I didn't have a plan for colors of themes, but by the end, it was a little heavy on ones with blue as the dominant color. Once that was getting obvious, I did throw in a few loud red-ish ones just to break things up a little more.

It's hard for me to pick a favorite fabric from any of the sets I've made, but I'd probably have to go with the musical bugs. At least in this set... The pink/yellow flannel piece looks more intense in this picture than it is in reality. Oh, and I'm not sure Agent N's mom will appreciate the sushi fabric quite as much as I do, but hopefully everything else goes over well.

So, I'll be waiting to hear how these go over (even if it's like a lead balloon) before I give away a set to my next birthday child (or save them for Christmas several months later). I think I was playing memory fairly early (thus the teeth marks) but maybe not quite as young as the kids on my list...


  1. Well, I pulled them out to let him look at today. He was quite excited. He didn't bother trying to match them. But he did enjoy laying them out and may or may not have matched a set (which he put on his head for a few seconds.)

  2. Well, now that I found all the pieces, I can tell you an anecdote. So I told Agent N to put on a hat and so he did. In the store he took it off and we found a few of these in it. Because they were so cool he had to put them in a warm place... ie the beanie. So since then, I've spent a day scouring the house, slowing finding the pairs, and today I found the last ones. Your creations are so awesome we take them to stores to brag about how much more awesomer our possessions are than when they sell.
