14 March 2013

Personal Problems...

You've probably heard by know that Google Reader is going to retire in July. I'm not pleased about that, but at least I have several months to try to figure out what to do.

So, I'm currently attempting to learn to appreciate Bloglovin, rediscover how to actually use Tumblr instead of following people through Reader, and dig through thousands of starred posts to save the most important on Pinterest...

Sadly, it looks like my antivirus vs. Google Reader issues are going to turn into antivirus vs. Bloglovin issues. So I can only work at this process for a few minutes before things crash.

It's not going well.

Anyway, I'm going to give myself another hour to work on this junk, then I'm going to put it aside for now and try to do something more fun. Like maybe test drive the sewing machine that wound up on my doorstep last night, or unpack from my weeks worth of vacation.

So, give me a day or two to catch my breath - and do a little more photo editing - and I think I'll be back with some more progress and just maybe a tutorial. Yikes!

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