13 November 2013

Halfway Done

I think I'm just under halfway done quilting my little semi-sampler.
Just a few relatively straight lines going across the short way so far - in pairs of two.
Going directly across the sampler blocks was an emotional challenge. The first time I ran into one I had a moment of panic that I should have quilted the sash and border and left the blocks alone. But I pushed on, and I think in the big picture it's going to be okay.

Looks like the back did wind up with a little more pulling than I'd wanted - but not much. I'm beginning to wonder if I need to track down some spray baste and try that. I've never tried it, partly because I've never found any in my local stores, and partly because I've read enough to know I'd need an area where I can work with ventilation and where over-spray on the surface isn't a big deal. I don't have that unless I work on the driveway (haha). But I'm becoming a little less happy with my pin basting, even when I do a rough baste of the back to the batting before turning it over (instead of laying all three layers out at once). Or maybe I'm just out of practice...

Back to the machine. Hopefully I can get the rest finished tonight and snatch some photos tomorrow.

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