06 November 2013

Semi-Sampler Progress

Although I wasn't completely happy with my choice for filling out the rest of the semi-sampler backing, my fabric purchasing budget has recently been seriously reduced (as have my chances for going fabric shopping), so I decided to just go with it rather than letting it languish in the 'to do' pile while I waited for budgets and schedules to align for more shopping... I have to remind myself that most of the time good and done are better than perfect

Fortunately, I had more than enough of the fabric I'd chosen to go with the rest of the back pieces - and even more fortunately, things came together about how I'd hoped they would! 

The back is slightly larger than the front - as it should be for quilting - so I know I'll be losing a little of each edge, but I think everything is placed enough that nothing lost will be important. I'd hoped to place the 'love' letters at the very edge of the backing, but in the end I was afraid I'd lose too much of them and added the little bit of border between those blocks and the bottom edge. I think that was the right call.

Once the sun went down and there was no more use in attempting to get better photos of the back, I turned my attention to basting.

I had planned on working with the polyester batting again for this one - making it another test of the poly batting before I seriously start working on the quilts for our bed (which will most likely be in poly). But when it came time to baste, I chickened out. I've been working on this top for close to a year now, and I'm rather invested in it at this point. I just couldn't bring myself to take the chance on the poly, which didn't work out as well as I'd hoped last time I used it.

I also happened to have a scrap of cotton batting on hand that was the ideal size for this quilt. That made the decision to turn away from poly for this project feel more like fate than fear or laziness (though in reality, I'm certain it was the last one).
Despite working with cotton, which I have more confidence with, I am still pinning significantly more than I have in the past. It's always important that things not move around while I'm quilting, but sometimes it's possible to hide the flaws with a busy pattern and a wash. I don't think this top, or back, is capable of hiding much - so any issues will lead to unpicking. More pins should help me avoid that possible outcome.

Next up comes quilting - and I think I have a plan in mind. It's just a matter of finding a few hours to work, and maybe a little painter's tape...

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