13 January 2015

2014 Goals -- How'd I do?

The 2014 Goal/Dream List:
  1. Sell our old car 
  2. Another photo challenge or something to help me improve my photography
  3. Trip to see Baby C and her family (July)
  4. Go visit in-laws 
  5. Finish A Song of Ice and Fire series  -- I'm abandoning this one. Sorry George R.R. Martin, but this is not working for me. I tried hard though. 
  6. Read 5+ non-fiction books"Jesus Feminist," "Redefining Girly,"  "Modern Patchwork,"  "Quilting Modern,"  "Call the Midwife," 
  7. Wear nail polish on my fingers one day a month (or more) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December
  8. Donate or dispose of 100 things from within the house Easily accomplished thanks to purging dvds, cds, 2 chairs, a foot stool, several pairs of shoes I no longer wear, and all the excess from every room in the house including the kitchen and bathrooms. Estimated actual donations at nearer 400 individual items as of end of April. Additional 75 items donated by December
  9. Renaissance Festival trip 
  10. Attend Greg's high school reunion
  11. Put an extra $50/month toward savings (most/all months)
  12. Take a family photo 
  13. Make 2-3 Birthday packages (nothing too elaborate)
  14. Make 1+ small Welcome Baby Package 
  15. Have the piano tuned
  16. Get a clothes line
  17. Replace the coffee table (it's falling apart and not worth the effort to fix)  April, replaced coffee table with a blanket chest. 
  18. Figure out what to do with our 2010-present photos (redo current book into 2-3 smaller ones?) 
  19. New rugs for the kitchen - Currently we're going rug-free in most of the house. 
  20. Fix or replace the duvet cover - In Progress! 
  21. Finish reading "The Outlaws of Sherwood" (Robin McKinley) aloud, and "Scarlet" (Marissa Meyer), and "Steadfast" (Mercedes Lackey) 
  22. Do something more social with sewing/quilting: join a swap, or a bee, or a quilt along. It's time to meet some people and make friends.  June 
  23. Take a class in something. Preferably not online. --Does a class in Half Square Triangles as part of the quilt club count? I'm thinking not quite, but I did learn some new stuff! 
  24. Update the dvd storage - It's not perfect yet, but we got rid of enough that they all fit on the shelves again. We're still discussing exchanging the boxes for something smaller, but it's probably going to be in a few years instead of any time soon. 
  25. Zero late fees at the library Blew it in August. So close! 
  26. Progress on the shoe situation: black pumps,  - black pumps found! 
  27. Try a new restaurant or cuisine at least twice this year - tried liquid nitrogen made ice cream in February, new-to-me Tex/Mex restaurant in April, new Thai place in October, new cupcake place in October, 
  28. Use stash fabric. More of it, anyway. 
  29. Small birthday party Sounds like this one is already beyond the realm of possibilities... 
  30. Significant progress on the larger house front I'm also crossing this one off the list. Not forever, but for this year and probably next we're going to concentrate on continuing to save towards this, and on fixing the little house to be more livable. In a year or two we'll reevaluate whether we need a bigger place or whether it's possible yet.  
  31. Attend a live performance (play, musical, orchestra, concert, etc.)   March
  32. At least more Welcome Baby Packages (one small, one larger, 2 more small)
  33. Attend one baby shower
  34. Attend one birthday party 

Things to Make in 2014
  1. Make the Ditto quilt (I own the pattern and the tool, just haven't used it yet)
  2. A 'solids' quilt - In progress!
  3. 2013 cross stitch portrait  
  4. 2014 cross stitch portrait -- In Progress
  5. Vintage Sheet quilt (probably value stars, pixel heart, or something similar) - In progress
  6. Complete the quilts for our bed - In progress 
  7. Little quilts: monsters, foxes, star bursts
  8. Minky blanket: aqua/purple/brown - More on this coming soon

How'd I do? I think it's safe to say I made some of the smaller goals, but my 'things to make' list is completely beyond help and the harder goals were overlooked. I didn't let myself get stressed out by goals this year, but I also didn't keep them anywhere in my mind -- so it was really easy to forget all the things I thought I wanted to work on. I'm a little disappointed at my lack of progress, but it really doesn't matter. I'm not competing against myself, just trying to make sure I do a few things with my days! 

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