I kept playing around with my Paint style designs... and I think I'm closer.
Ideally, I'd love to do two ROYGBIV sets, alternating between stars and stripes with 2 shades of 2 colors in each star field, and single color stripes. That sounds confusing... More like this:
Obviously, there's a lot of work involved in taking this from a random sized sketch to a working quilt pattern to a quilt. And no, that's not anything I've done before. There's a good chance it'll go through some changes as I try to figure out the best way to make it a reality. But before I completely dedicate myself - and the majority of the next few months - to this pattern, I suppose I ought to see if I can make a wonky star. I've searched out a few tutorials which look clear enough -- and "wonky" ought to cover a few errors, right?
We call it "creative license" :)