04 March 2014

March Goals

March Goals 
Okay - today I'm going to be totally open about what's been going on and what's on my plate right now. It's not that I want to share - but this blog is how I keep track of what I'm supposed to be doing, and keeping track of this off-blog has not been incentive enough to accomplish enough. I have got to get this stuff done in the next 10 days or my next two+ years just went wildly off schedule. I know, I know, not everything in life can be scheduled, but sometimes, there are important things that need to be somewhat scheduled if they're going to happen at all. 

Read 5+ Books
Read 1+ Non-Fiction (can count as one of the 5+ total)
Cut time on Pinterest to less than 2 hours/day. No more 5 hour Pinterest sessions.
Do the dishes every night before bed
Deep clean the fridge and freezer
Swap out the Valentine's Decorations for something more appropriate for March.

New Projects / Pinterest Challenge:
1+ new recipe
1+ small project/tutorial (mini quilt, bag, or something crafty that doesn't require the sewing machine)

My Projects:
Finish the 2013 cross stitch portrait
Finish at least one quilt (including washing)
Quilt at least two quilts (baby size)

Grown Up Junk:
Email Realtor
Contact insurance company
Scan in 17 pages of information (using scanner/printer that hasn't worked for three years? Hope I get a day off to do this in...)
Send info to Banker #3
Call Builder #1
Send info to Banker #1
Email Builders 2-5
Health Insurance: set up meeting, attend meeting, choose a plan,
Finish tax paperwork
Send into to Banker #3 again
Yeah, this is why I've been having a hard time accomplishing anything. This stuff is all torture as far as I'm concerned. Sadly, very little of it can be handled by my more outgoing, less shy better half. But I am asking him to handle the parts of it that he can do for me. 

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