Remember how I said June was
going to be about finishing projects ‘due’ in July?
I haven't made any progress on those projects.
I haven't made any progress on those projects.
But I have started another quilt top.
I know - I always start a new project instead of finishing an older one. But this time it isn't entirely my fault. Okay, okay, it is. But I feel like I'm doing it for the right reasons instead of just to avoid doing what I ought to be doing.
I had debated about making a quilt for this particular baby for weeks before deciding that the parents-to-be and I were no longer close enough for a quilt appearing in their mailbox to be quite right.* So, I turned that energy to other projects. But yesterday I received an invitation to a baby shower... and... well...
I don't know if I should say I got excited or if I should say I got a little ambitious. But, thanks to Momo spending most of the hours between 3 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. standing between my shoulder blades and meowing at the back of my head, I'd spent most of the hours between 10:30 and 4:00 napping I had even more night time energy than usual.
By 1:30 a.m., I had this:
I thought I'd wait til morning to take photos of it, but by 9 a.m. the sun was already intense - so you're stuck with mostly splotchy, under-tree photos. I should have taken the photos before I went to bed at 4, I think the lighting would have been kinder then!
It's a little wonky, that was the plan. In fact, I wish I'd gone even more intentionally wonky and made the colorful borders more wonky instead of concentrating most of the wonk factor on the banana fabric and the larger monkey squares.
It's a little wonky, that was the plan. In fact, I wish I'd gone even more intentionally wonky and made the colorful borders more wonky instead of concentrating most of the wonk factor on the banana fabric and the larger monkey squares.
Maybe it was sleep deprivation, or the results of the caffeine I had at 4 to beat down the remains of my headache, or maybe it was rebellion against the unintentional wonks in my Procrastination Quilt, but I didn't iron. I didn't pin either.
Is it perfect? Ha - do you even need to ask!?
But for only a few hours and way less frustration, I'm pretty happy with it.
* I worry with every hand made gift that this thing I enjoyed working on will be viewed as an imposition. Part of that worry come from knowing some people would rather have the opportunity to return gifts that don't suit them - something that isn't an option with a home made gift. Part of it comes from being insecure in my skills and the quality of the item I'm about to give. Giving hand made items to close friends and my siblings and in-laws is nerve wracking enough. The idea of sending a surprise hand made gift to someone who isn't quite so close is practically a recipe for a nervous breakdown.
Basically, I'm incredibly sensitive and shy, and giving away something I've made - especially to people who have no idea it might be coming - is more difficult than stepping on stage to preform.
But it'll get easier with practice.
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