17 April 2013

A Little Update to a Little Quilt

Remember my Semi-sampler blocks?

They haven't gotten much attention recently - partly because I honestly had no idea where the fabric was!

A little spring cleaning and they were back at the top of the pile - for now... Which means I made a couple new blocks including this super cute one:

Despite the flash back, this has the right color/focus... 
Since there was a lot of variety in the sizes of the blocks, I spent about an hour adding a little to the smaller blocks until they were closer to a uniform size. They still need to be trimmed down some to be nearer to uniform but now at least there's something to cut down without losing part of the most important bits!

Fabric was running low before I was done, so I had to be a bit creative (a couple of them are 'outlined' in the colors instead of the multi-dots or white I was hoping to use) - but before I completely ran out of fabric, I did end up with 14 blocks. And I guess that's as far as we're going to go unless I can bring myself to make one or two more incredibly scrappy blocks from what's left. Which is incredibly unlikely... but I won't say never. After all, 14 isn't an easy number to work with. 16 would be much better, but I'm not sure I can hit it with the bitty scraps I've got left...

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