22 April 2013

Twin Quilts quilted - I think...

I have finished my horizontal lines, but I'm still in debates as to whether vertical lines would add to the overall look or just be more work.

Sadly, my only opportunity to get some photos with natural light proved worse than taking the photos inside with the flash on - so I'm not sure anyone else can tell what's happened enough to venture an opinion!

Quilt B (above) turned out pretty well over all, but looks like Quilt A (below) has some serious wrinkles in the back.

I don't think it's bad enough to need unpicking to fix it... Though maybe if I decide to add the vertical lines of quilting as well. Maybe not, but it seems like if I don't, I'll end up fighting it the whole time...

And I may not have as much time as I'd hoped to make the decision. The twins and their mom are having a very rough, frightening time. Instead of sitting and worrying, I'm trying to focus my energy into something I can do - which is to have these done and ready to go, with the hopes both that I'll get to send the quilts and that I'll get to send them in a month or two.

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