10 April 2013

Twin Quilts: Progress on Quilt B

It took almost all of March for me to get back to this quilt top - but I finally took the forty minutes to unpick my mistake and get back on track.

And - thanks for a 7 hour job that turned out to be only about 4 hours - I had the energy to do more than just pull a line of thread. I actually cleared the sewing desk and turned the machine on for several hours of sewing. Seems like it's been forever since I've had the time or energy to sit down and work.

So - - -

Quilt B top - finished 
I don't know how, except to say obviously user error, but despite supposedly having the same number of stripes for each quilt, I really had to work to include pieces of both the first and last strip. This time I really could have just subtracted one and been fine - and honestly, I think I should have pulled one orange to ensure the green (at the top) was more prominent.

You can see that at least one of the stripes has no green at the very top - that strip got completely cut off when I pieced the top. Not the plan, but we're going to roll with it anyway!

Each piece in the bottom has just a little of the last orange piece, but as much orange/yellow as there was in the top... I really should have cut one of the oranges (or yellows).

Quilt B Back
I also managed to finish the back. It's a similar look as the back of Quilt A, but not the same measurements on where each piece went. That was intentional, and I think I like this one a little better. Hopefully in a couple days I'll be able to take some side-by-side comparisons of the two quilts.

But for the moment:

My two backs and my two tops are finished and waiting only for me to find the time and space to baste! I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to get enough space to do that - or enough time - but if I can manage both, these two baby quilts and one more are ready for some attention. Looking at the calendar... I'm not optimistic that'll happen in the next week or two, but sometimes I work better under pressure - as noted by how much I accomplished in the last two days vs. the rest of the month!

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