Although our evenings are less regular now that one of the guys has moved to a new job and a new city, we still have the crew over a couple times a month for movies and food. I usually choose to make something for dinner that night, which can sometimes be a challenge. Since I didn't feel like being too challenged by eating restrictions, I went with something easy: breakfast for dinner.
I really wanted to make pancakes - but we've yet to be successful making good tasting pancakes on our gas stove. So, I got a little creative - though as usual, I have to give credit to an idea I saw on Pinterest, namely Pancake Squares from Big Red Kitchen. Since I know the guys don't care for my wheat flour, I didn't want to follow the recipe and make it from scratch (yet). However, sitting next to my wheat flour is a massive bin of waffle/pancake mix.
Just 4 cups of pancake mix, 3 cups of water, and a lightly greased 9x13. Oh, and 20 minutes at 350.
It looks a little like very pale corn bread - and I thought it could have used a little more sugar added to the dry mix - but it tasted just like pancakes. And the guys must have agreed. Not only did we eat it all - but everyone said it was good. Trust me, when my brother says 'good' instead of shaking his hand back and forth in a so-so motion, it's a winner.
I suspect with the addition of that little bit of sugar, I might have a new favorite plan for my birthday.
For a house that's gone without pancakes for almost three years after our very first pancake making disaster - this pancake cake is a very welcome addition to the rotating recipes.
looks yummy