08 June 2013

Welcome Baby Twins Package

It's not much compared to some of my others, but the number of things in the package doesn't have any impact on how much thought, hopes, and prayers went into it.

Two beautiful quilts - that I can hardly bring myself to part with. No joke, I actually started to tear up when it came to wrapping them in a little tissue paper and putting them in a box.

A lovely children's book treasury with several of my old favorites and a couple new (to me) ones too.

And - although they didn't make it into the photo, I decided last night I ought to slip a little something more into the box...

Matches Jungle Blocks Quilt, I have enough to make one for it too 

They're a little crooked looking, I know... and yes, a little big (the neck is about 12 month size)... And yes, since taking the photos I did add snaps! (The twins are both going to have to do a lot of growing before they fit in these. So much so that I'm now regretting including them. But it's too late - the box is already very, very taped closed.)

So now I've just got to address the box (mailing it c/o the new grandma) and these are ready to go. I'm really struggling to let go of these quilts, but as much as I want to keep them, I really want them to go to a home that can put them to use.

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