16 October 2013

Fabric Crushing...

Last week I managed to squeeze a stop to my favorite local fabric/quilting shop (between a series of meetings nearby). I ran into the store to see if I could still get a little more Sweetwater Hometown fabric for adding a border to my semi-sampler quilt. Knowing how easily I can get sucked in, I told my husband (also attending the meetings) to come get me after fifteen minutes.

I went directly to the fabrics I wanted and made my selections.

Mission Accomplished!

Only to learn the shop computer was down. Not a huge issue, as they still have the option of handwritten receipts, but it slowed things down a little - and gave me just enough time to walk past the area I know is my weakness: precuts.

And yes. I gave in.

How could I not!?
Sweet Serenade - and I am smitten. The charms, of course, are what sold me. Music, soft abstracts, and chevron-ish prints in cream, dark grey, aqua, light blue, and kind of a coral/orange (or parchment, ink, turquoise, opal, and amberlight - as it's described by the pros). While the yardage of the chevron (apparently called Turquoise Shilling?) I just had to pick up looks a little loud in my picture, it's not quite so intense in reality.

This was absolutely a splurge purchase (so much for the constant attempt at only buying what I need) but I do already have a plan for it - both a pattern plan/idea, and intended recipient/s. Probably. I have a family in mind for this fabric (because I think it's perfect in every way for them) but I'm not sure I'll have any reason* to make them a quilt any time soon.

So, as much as I want to play with it now, I am putting it away so that if/when I do have a reason to make something for them, I'll have at least a start (and a plan) on hand.

But in the mean time, I may have to pick up more next time I rebuild my fabric money envelope...

*What I'm trying to say is that I want to have this on hand in case this couple joins so many of our friends in becoming parents soonish, but ... I don't know if that's in the plans - and I don't want to pry. So, I'm hanging on to this in case. If not, I'll either use it for them on something else or I'll certainly be happy to put it to use myself.

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