05 April 2012

Thread Shelf

A few weeks after I hung the perfume shelf the first time, I acquired an interesting thread shelf and some old thread. I've been dying to get it up on the wall - but that's not quite as easy as it should be.

While I'd love to hang this near my sewing machine, the room isn't arranged for that. This room holds four book cases, two computer desks, my sewing machine and it's desk, a cat tower, a dresser, a large shelf of fabric, the cat's desk as well as three chairs, two lamps, and a few other assorted pieces. Yes, a desk for the cat. He sleeps on it, and it keeps him off the computers or sewing machine (most of the time), so I'm hesitant to remove it. Yes, the cat is pretty much in charge around here.

Here's a very simple sketch of our office space:

Obviously, it isn't the best layout for use - although the cat has a pretty good layout. I've spent more than a year trying to rearrange the room to serve all these needs better, but so far, no luck. So there's no wall space directly near the sewing machine. The nearest space is the wall over the top of the cat's desk:

A quick rearrange of the photos gave me this:

The top most picture does seem a little too high, but I'm holding off on lowering it until I've decided if I'll be putting anything on the top shelf or not. I thought it might be inconvenient to have my most used threads on the shelf (rather than thrown in one of my sewing desk drawers), but the step or two from sewing machine to shelf is certainly easier than digging through a messy and tangled drawer. It's also been fun to see a constant reminder of projects I've finished or that I'm supposed to be working on.

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