09 May 2012

Hooded Towel

This hooded towel for Baby C was the last project I finished in April, but it's taken me a while to get any photos of it. Well, that's not quite true, but not only does Momo make a poor model, my bathroom is not really the idea location for photos (despite me taking so many there).

I'd initially planned to make the traditional hooded towel my mother makes (and that I wore as a kid), but by the time I started she was not awake enough to walk me through the project. A little time digging through my bookmarks brought me to this tutorial from Obsessively Stitching.

I love how clear the directions are - and the pictures very helpful. Mine was sewn together in about 30 minutes. The hardest part was trying to sew over the finished edges of the hand towel. I found the easiest thing to do at these fatter ends was to hand power my machine. When I make another one (what else would I do with a half hand towel?) I will cut off the finished end of the hand towel/hood and finish it with a 'binding' of fancier fabric like in the Spiced-Up version. Too cute? Yes, I think so too.

Alright, so it's a little small for me, but with no convenient access to any one under the age of twenty four, I did the best I could. I am tempted to try for an adult version, maybe with a bath sheet. It could be handy for walking home from the hot tub at night. Hmm...


  1. That particular model was a fabulous present to receive... It's Agent's favorite bath towel (and mommy & daddy's too. Go you, making awesome gifts :)

    P.s. nice smile...

    1. Thanks. I'm still trying to work out just how my mom makes them - since I know that version has a history of happy recipients. I'm hoping I can get her to work with me over the weekend - it just means I've got to get up at her time of the day instead of relying on mine!
