14 May 2012

Welcome Baby C Update

I don't think I mentioned this yet... Baby C is a girl! 

After a nephew and a godson, I'm excited to have a reason to look at the 'girl' things!*

This little pink, green, and orange plush elephant has been keeping me company for the last few days.

This shot makes her look purple. The other is truer to color.

I'd better hurry up and make a bag to keep the plush as protected as possible from Momo's attentions so I can stop my growing attachment to her or I'm going to have a harder time giving her up! (Oh, is it that obvious I was one of those kids with too many stuffed animals?)

Although Baby C isn't due to arrive until late summer, it's my goal to have the package finished and delivered by July, so I'm trying to spend a couple hours a week working on wrapping up projects for her Welcome package.

I'm also hoping if I keep myself busy finishing projects I'll avoid more shopping. There are so many options available right now that remind me of MomC's tastes - which makes it easy to pick things I think she'll like, but it's easy to pick too many things. And I continually have to remind myself that Baby C isn't going to be here until nearer fall - so that super cute tank top romper only available in 6 month size probably isn't the best choice.

*I get annoyed at how divided shopping for kids can be. Some days it feels like half the store is pink/purple and half the store is blue/orange. While I plan to dress futurekid somewhat from both sides of the store (so to speak) until futurekid is able to choose, I try to be more traditional when shopping for other people. So I've been avoiding the pink until getting the official word - and now, while I haven't done any pink except the elephant plush, I'm a little worried I've gone overboard...  

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