01 August 2014

July Wrap Up

July Goals

Read 5+ Books

  • "Blood Red" Mercedes Lackey
  • "The Wind Blows Backward" Mary Downing Hahn
Read 1+ Non-Fiction (can count as one of the 5+ total)
  • "Parenting Beyond Pink & Blue: How to Raise Your Kids Free of Gender Stereotypes" Christia Spears Brown, PHD
Keep weekday time on Pinterest to less than 2 hours/day 
Average 13000+ steps per day (working towards 15000 per day by August)  - This was hard to manage during our 'vacation' times - but I managed it all but two days this month.  
2 Mini Vacations with friends

New Projects / Pinterest Challenge: 
1+ new recipe

My Projects:
Mail the Unbirthday package
Deliver Welcome Baby D package
Finish Welcome Baby W package
Birthday present for the Nephew (by the 15th)
Finish 1 in progress quilt

Grown Up Junk:
Find new dentist & Make dental appointments 
Take the cat to the vet as scheduled 
Second car: gone - Okay, so the car is gone (in theory to the shop for a mechanic's opinion), there's a verbal agreement, but no money has changed hands, nor has the title. I'm not sure what this means.   It took about three hours last night, but finally done and really done! Whew - that was a far more lengthy process than I'd hoped for. 

House Stuff: 
Sweep every other day (or more)
Wipe down the bathrooms once a week (or more)
Purge/reorganize in sewing / office space
Dining space update: shop for chairs or stools - In progress, but this is much harder than it ought to be!

All in all, I didn't accomplish nearly as much this month as I'd hoped for - but I have worked nearly every day. I think I had two weekends off, and otherwise was working (or out of town) almost every single day. It does make it hard for me to get any thing else done when I don't get home until 9 -- and I've been trying to get to bed at 10:30 instead of my preferred 2, all so I can get up and put in a few miles before it gets too hot in the morning. It's taking up a lot of my day, but I'm happy with the activity and the results, so I'm trying not to begrudge the lost time -- but my quilting and reading time is really taking a hit. I've got to get better time management going on around here -- something I think I've said more than once or twice! 

Hopefully I'll have some time over the weekend to upload a few pictures and get a few things written up so I can get back into the swing of sharing what I'm up to. I make no promises though -- this is another weekend of long hard projects and very little personal time. And I fear that the whole month of August may turn out that way, but I'll see what I can do without losing any more sleep.  

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